
   $config as element(configuration),
   $baseline as xs:string
) as element(configuration)


This function sets the language baseline for this cluster. A change to the language baseline requires a restart of the cluster and a reindex to avoid stemming and tokenization anomalies.

config A configuration specification, typically as returned from one of the Admin module functions.
baseline The language baseline to be used in this cluster. As of 11.3.0, "legacy" is not supported and only "ml9" is accepted.


  xquery version "1.0-ml";

  import module namespace admin = ""
      at "/MarkLogic/admin.xqy";

  let $cfg := admin:get-configuration()

  return admin:cluster-set-language-baseline($cfg, "ml9")

  (: Assigns 'ml9' as the language baseline of this cluster.
     Use admin:save-configuration to save the changes to the configuration
     or pass the configuration to other Admin API functions to make other
     changes. :)
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