MarkLogic 9 Product Documentation
$schema-name as xs:string,
$view-name as xs:string,
$permissions as item()*
) as empty-sequence()
This function adds permissions to those already set for the named view in the
named schema specification.
Parameters |
schema-name |
The name of the schema specification containing the view.
view-name |
The name of the view to which the permissions are to be added.
permissions |
The permissions to be added to the view.
When run in an XQuery context, the permissions are a sequence of
XML elements (sec:permission). When importing this module into
a Server-Side JavaScript context, the permissions are an array
of Objects.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace view = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/view"
at "/MarkLogic/views.xqy";
view:add-permissions("main", "songs", (xdmp:permission("test-user", "read"),
xdmp:permission("test-user", "update")))
(: Enables users with the test-user role to read and update the 'main' schema. :)
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