json functions (JSON)

This is the JSON module used for customized tranformation from XML to and from JSON.

To use the JSON module as part of your own XQuery module, include the following line in your XQuery prolog:

import module namespace json = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/json" at "/MarkLogic/json/json.xqy";

The JSON module employs a concept of 'strategies'. Strategies are different methods of transforming XML to JSON or JSON to XML. Different strategies tackle different use cases.

The basic strategy is used by the REST API and handles the use case of transforming arbitrary JSON into a fixed XML structure which is designed to be efficiently stored and indexed in MarkLogic. The basic strategy is semantically roundtrippable from JSON to XML back to JSON. The basic strategy is used when no configuration object is specified.

The full strategy targets the opposite use case as the default (basic) strategy. The full strategy takes arbitrary XML and produces a fixed JSON structure which preserves most of the semantics of the XML document.

The custom strategy allows customization of the JSON and XML transformation and produces more reasonable looking XML or JSON at the expense of supporting a smaller subset of XML document structures.

6 functions
Function name Description
json:check-config This function checks a json configuration object and returns a report.
json:config This function creates a configuration object for a specified strategy.
json:transform-from-json This function transforms a JSON document to XML using the default ("basic") strategy.
json:transform-to-json This function transforms an XML document to JSON using the default ("basic") strategy if none is supplied.
json:transform-to-json-object This function transforms an XML document to JSON and returns an object.
json:transform-to-json-xml This function transforms an XML document to JSON and returns an xml element.
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