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MarkLogic 9 Product Documentation
ec2 functions

The table below lists all the ec2 built-in functions (in this namespace: http://marklogic.com/ec2).

The Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) API module contains functions that allow you to write scripts to configure EC2.

EC2 is installed as the following file:


where install_dir is the directory in which MarkLogic Server is installed.

To use the ec2-2009-11-30.xqy module in your own XQuery modules, include the following line in your XQuery prolog:

   import module namespace ec2 = "http://marklogic.com/ec2" 
           at "/MarkLogic/ec2-2009-11-30.xqy";  

The library uses the ec2: namespace, which is not predefined in the server.

MarkLogic recommends enabling the URI Lexicon when using EC2; the URI lexicon will improve performance, especially when the database grows to a large number of documents.

64 functions
Function name Description
ec2:add-snapshot-create-volume-permission-groups This function calls the Amazon ModifySnapshotAttribute function and passes the names of the groups to be given permission to create the snapshot.
ec2:add-snapshot-create-volume-permission-users This function calls the Amazon ModifySnapshotAttribute function and passes the IDs of the users to be given permission to create the snapshot.
ec2:allocate-address This function calls the Amazon AllocateAddress function.
ec2:associate-address This function calls the Amazon AssociateAddress function.
ec2:attach-volume This function calls the Amazon AttachVolume function.
ec2:authorize-group-ingress This function calls the Amazon AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress function.
ec2:authorize-icmp-ingress This function calls the Amazon AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress function and passes icmp as the IpPermissions.n.IpProtocol parameter.
ec2:authorize-tcp-ingress This function calls the Amazon AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress function and passes tcp as the IpPermissions.n.IpProtocol parameter.
ec2:authorize-udp-ingress This function calls the Amazon AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress function and passes udp as the IpPermissions.n.IpProtocol parameter.
ec2:create-key-pair This function calls the Amazon CreateKeyPair function.
ec2:create-security-group This function calls the Amazon CreateSecurityGroup function.
ec2:create-snapshot This function calls the Amazon CreateSnapshot function.
ec2:create-volume This function calls the Amazon CreateVolume function without a SnapshotId parameter.
ec2:create-volume-from-snapshot This function calls the Amazon CreateVolume function with a $snapshot-id parameter.
ec2:delete-key-pair This function calls the Amazon DeleteKeyPair function.
ec2:delete-security-group This function calls the Amazon DeleteSecurityGroup function.
ec2:delete-snapshot This function calls the Amazon DeleteSnapshot function.
ec2:delete-volume This function calls the Amazon DeleteVolume function.
ec2:describe-addresses This function calls the Amazon DescribeAddresses function.
ec2:describe-availability-zones This function calls the Amazon DescribeAvailabilityZones function.
ec2:describe-images This function calls the Amazon DescribeImages function.
ec2:describe-instance-block-device-mapping This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes blockDeviceMapping as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:describe-instance-disable-api-termination This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes disableApiTermination as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:describe-instance-initiated-shutdown-behavior This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:describe-instance-kernel This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes kernel as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:describe-instance-ramdisk This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes ramdisk as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:describe-instance-root-device-name This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes rootDeviceName as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:describe-instance-type This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes instanceType as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:describe-instance-user-data This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes userData as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:describe-instances This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstances function.
ec2:describe-key-pairs This function calls the Amazon DescribeKeyPairs function.
ec2:describe-regions This function calls the Amazon DescribeRegions function.
ec2:describe-security-groups This function calls the Amazon DescribeSecurityGroups function.
ec2:describe-snapshot-create-volume-permission This function calls the Amazon DescribeSnapshotAttribute function and passes createVolumePermission as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:describe-snapshots This function calls the Amazon DescribeSnapshots function.
ec2:describe-volumes This function calls the Amazon DescribeVolumes function.
ec2:detach-volume This function calls the Amazon DetachVolume function.
ec2:disassociate-address This function calls the Amazon DisassociateAddress function.
ec2:get-console-output This function calls the Amazon GetConsoleOutput function.
ec2:modify-instance-block-device-mapping This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes blockDeviceMapping as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:modify-instance-disable-api-termination This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes disableApiTermination as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:modify-instance-initiated-shutdown-behavior This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:modify-instance-kernel This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes kernel as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:modify-instance-ramdisk This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes ramdisk as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:modify-instance-root-device-name This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes rootDeviceName as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:modify-instance-type This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes instanceType as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:modify-instance-user-data This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes userData as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:monitor-instances This function calls the Amazon MonitorInstances function.
ec2:reboot-instances This function calls the Amazon RebootInstances function.
ec2:release-address This function calls the Amazon ReleaseAddress function.
ec2:remove-snapshot-create-volume-permission-groups This function calls the Amazon ModifySnapshotAttribute function and passes the names of the groups to be denied permission to create the snapshot.
ec2:remove-snapshot-create-volume-permission-users This function calls the Amazon ModifySnapshotAttribute function and passes the IDs of the users to be denied permission to create the snapshot.
ec2:reset-instance-kernel This function calls the Amazon ResetInstanceAttribute function and passes kernel as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:reset-instance-ramdisk This function calls the Amazon ResetInstanceAttribute function and passes ramdisk as the Attribute parameter.
ec2:reset-snapshot-create-volume-permission This function calls the Amazon ResetSnapshotAttribute function.
ec2:revoke-group-ingress This function calls the Amazon RevokeSecurityGroupIngress function and sets the UserId and GroupName parameters.
ec2:revoke-icmp-ingress This function calls the Amazon RevokeSecurityGroupIngress function, passes icmp as the IpProtocol parameter, and sets the FromPort, ToPort, and CidrIp parameters.
ec2:revoke-tcp-ingress This function calls the Amazon RevokeSecurityGroupIngress function, passes tcp as the IpProtocol parameter.
ec2:revoke-udp-ingress This function calls the Amazon RevokeSecurityGroupIngress function, passes udp as the IpProtocol parameter.
ec2:run-instances This function calls the Amazon RunInstances function.
ec2:start-instances This function calls the Amazon StartInstances function.
ec2:stop-instances This function calls the Amazon StopInstances function.
ec2:terminate-instances This function calls the Amazon TerminateInstances function.
ec2:unmonitor-instances This function calls the Amazon UnmonitorInstances function.