MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $path as xs:string,
   [$vars as item()* | map:map],
   [$options as (element()|map:map)?]
) as item()*


Place the specified module on the task queue for evaluation.

path The path of an XQuery or JavaScript module to be executed, as a string. The path is resolved against the root of the App Server evaluating the query, the Modules directory, or relative to the calling module. For details on module path resolution, see Importing XQuery Modules, XSLT Stylesheets, and Resolving Paths in the Application Developer's Guide.

The module is considered to be JavaScript if the module path ends with a file extension configured for the MIME type application/vnd.marklogic-javascript in MarkLogic's Mimetypes configuration. Otherwise, it is assumed to be XQuery.

$vars External variable values to make available to the evaluated code, expressed as either a sequence of alternating QName-value pairs, or a map:map. If you use a sequence, it must contain alternating variable QNames and values. e.g. (xs:QName("var1"), "val1", xs:Qname("var2"), "val2"). If you use a map, then each key is a string representing the Clark notation of the variable QName ("{namespaceURI}localname"), and its value is the corresponding variable value. You can use xdmp:key-from-QName to generate the Clark notation to use as a key.
options Options with which to customize this operation. You can specify options as either an options XML element in the namespace "xdmp:eval", or as a map:map. The option names below are XML localnames. When using a map, replace any hyphens in an option name with camel casing. For example, "an-option" becomes "anOption" when used as a map:map entry key. This function supports the following options:
The id of the content database. You can use functions such as xdmp:database to get a database ID. See the Usage Notes for more details. Using this option to specify a database other than the context database requires additional privileges. For details, see Required Privileges, below.
The ID of the modules database to use for resolving module imports. If you do not specify a modules option, this operation uses the current modules database. Use a value of 0 to specify using the file system to resolve module imports. Using this option may require additional privileges. For details, see Required Privileges, below.
The root path for modules. If you do not explicitly specify a root option, the current root is used. Use of this option may require additional privileges. For details, see Required Privileges, below.
The system timestamp to use for this evaluation. If you omit this option, the most recent timestamp is used. You may only specify a timestamp for a query statement, not for an update statement. Use a value of zero to specify the current system timestamp (the value that would be returned by xdmp:request-timestamp ). For more details see Understanding Point-In-Time Queries in the Application Developer's Guide. Use of this option requires additional privileges. For details, see Required Privileges, below.
Specify the transaction isolation for this operation. Allowed values: same-statement, different-transaction (default). When set to same-statement, the evaluation occurs in the same transaction in which this function is called. When set to different-transaction, the evaluation occurs in a separate transaction from the one in which this function is called. If you use same-statement isolation in a query (read-only) statement and the eval'd code attempts an update, MarkLogic throws the exception XDMP-UPDATEFUNCTIONFROMQUERY. For more details, see Isolation Option to xdmp:eval/invoke in the Application Developer's Guide.
The commit mode for the transaction in which the code is evaluated. Allowed values: auto (default), explicit. In auto mode, a transaction is committed for every statement. In explicit mode, the transaction must be explicitely committed or rolled back. For more details, see Commit Mode in the Application Developer's Guide.
Specify the transaction type in which to evaluate this code, or let MarkLogic determine the transaction type. Allowed values: "true", "false", "auto" (default). For more details, see Transaction Type Overview in the Application Developer's Guide.
Whether or not to only perform a static analysis of the code, without executing it. Allowed values: true, false (default).
The default XQuery language version to use for the query, if the query does not contain an explicit version declaration. By default, MarkLogic uses the default XQuery version of the App Server that called spawn. The Task Server has no default XQuery version, so the version is passed as part of the task request.

Allowable values for this option are "0.9-ml", "1.0-ml", "1.0", and the special value "app-server". The first three are XQuery language versions. The last indicates that the default XQuery language version set on this App Server should be used. This is useful if code written in an older XQuery version needs to call this function on strings that may have been passed as parameters, but should be interpreted in the App Server default language version. A module may discover its own XQuery language version with xdmp:xquery-version() .

Override the default time limit with this time limit for this operation. Specify the value in seconds. You can set the value up to the maximum-time-limit value for the App Server in which the request is evaluated or to a lower value than the default time limit.
The ID of the user under which this operation should be performed. If you do not set this option, the operation is performed as the current user. Use of this option requires additional privileges. For details, see Required Privileges, below. NOTE: This is a very privileged operation since it enables a user to evaluate requests as any other user.
Specifies the collation to use for this operation if a collation is not explicitly specified, such as in the XQuery prolog or in a function call that allows you to specify a collation. For more details, see Encodings and Collations in the Search Developer's Guide.
Specifies the geospatial coordinate system to use for this operation, if a coordinate system is not explicitly specified, such as in the XQuery prolog or in a function call that allows you to specify a coordinate system. For more details, see Controlling Coordinate System and Precision in the Search Developer's Guide and Supported Coordinate Systems in the Search Developer's Guide.
Specify the priority of the spawned task. Allowed values: normal (default), higher.
Return a value future for the result of the spawned task. This value future can bound be to a variable without waiting so that work can proceed concurrently with the spawned task. When the calling request uses the value future in any operation, it will automatically wait for the spawned task to complete and it will use the result. For an example, see The second example.
[DEPRECATED: Use the update and commit options instead.] Explicitly set the transaction mode for this context. Allowed values: auto (default), query, update-auto-commit, update. For details, see Transaction Mode in the Application Developer's Guide.

For simple updates to be implicitly committed, specify a transaction mode of update-auto-commit. A transaction mode of update creates a new multi-statement update transaction and requires an explicit commit in the code.

Within a session there can be only one active multi-statement transaction at a time. If a new multi-statement transaction is specified nested inside a multi-statement transaction, MarkLogic throws the exception XDMP-NESTEDMULTI. If a new multi-statement transaction is specified after another has been concurrently created in the same session by another request, MarkLogic throws the exception XDMP-SESSIONTXN and retries the current request.

An xdmp:transaction-mode XQuery prolog option in the evaluated code overrides any transaction mode specified with this option.

Required Privileges

To use this function, you must have the following privilege:

To use the database option to specify a content database other than the default database for the current App Server, you must have the following privilege:

To use the modules or root options to specify to specify a modules database or root other than that configured for the current App Server, you must have the following privilege:

To use the modules or root options to specify to specify using the file system as the modules database or root path, you you must have the following privilege:

To use the user-id option, you must have the following privilege:

To use the timestamp option, you must have the following privileges:

Usage Notes

This function places the specified module in the task queue to be processed. The module will be evaluated when the task server has the available resources to process it. Tasks are processed in the order in which they are added to the queue.

Once this function is called, it cannot be rolled back, even if the transaction from which it is called does not complete. Therefore, use care calling this function from an update transaction. Once a module is spawned, its evaluation is asynchronous of the transaction in which spawn is called. Consequently, if you call this function from a module, and if the module ends up retrying (for example, if a deadlock is detected), then the entire module is re-evaluated and this function is therefore called again.

To get the database ID for options that require one, such as the database or modules options, you can use functions such as the following. Use the function appropriate to the database you want to reference.

See Also


  xdmp:spawn("module.xqy", (),
        <options xmlns="xdmp:eval">
  => Puts the module from the modules database with the
     in the task server queue.


   This example uses the <result> option to use the results of a
   spawned task in the query
let $x := xdmp:spawn("/oneplusone.xqy", (),
  <options xmlns="xdmp:eval">
($x + 2)
   if /oneplusone.xqy has the following body:

   1 + 1

   then this query returns 4
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