MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $forestIDs as xs:unsignedLong*,
   $pathname as xs:string,
   [$restoreToTime as xs:dateTime?],
   [$journal-archiving as xs:boolean?],
   [$journal-archive-path as xs:string?],
   [$incremental-backup as xs:boolean?],
   [$incremental-backup-path as xs:string?],
   [$backup-passphrase as xs:string?],
   [$forest-map as map:map?]
) as xs:unsignedLong


Starts an asynchronous restore of the specified list of destination forests from the backup data directory. Returns a job ID that uniquely identifies the restore task.

forestIDs A sequence of destination forest IDs.
pathname A backup data directory pathname.
restoreToTime The date and time to restore the forest data to.
journal-archiving Whether to restore from archived journals. Defaults to false.
journal-archive-path Path to where archived journals are stored. Defaults to the backup data directory.
incremental-backup Whether to restore using incremental backups. Defaults to false.
incremental-backup-path Path to where incremental backups are stored. Defaults to the backup data directory.
backup-passphrase An additional backup passphrase that can be used to restore from backup.
forest-map An optional forest map that specify the change of forest topology.

Required Privileges

This operation requires at least one of the following privileges:{id}

Usage Notes

Reindexing and rebalancing will stop while a backup or restore is in progress.

All forests in forestIDs must exist in the current configuration.

$forest-map is a map from the names of destination forests to be restored to the names of backup forests (fd1<-fb1, fd2<-fb2, ...). Please note that there are several constraints on the map:


(: Example of default self-mapping :)

xquery version "1.0-ml";

=> 33030877979801813489


(: Example of changing forest topology. :)

xquery version "1.0-ml";

let $map := map:new(
  map:entry("fd1", ("fb3")),
  map:entry("fd2", ("fb1")),
  map:entry("fd3", ("fb2"))

return xdmp:database-restore(xdmp:database-forests(xdmp:database("db")),
  "/backups/Data", (), fn:false(), "", fn:false(), "", "", $map)
=> 33030877979801813489


(: Example of changing forest topology. Backup forests fb1 and fb2 are restored
to destination forest fd1; fb3 is restored to fd2; fd3 and fd4 are cleared. :)

xquery version "1.0-ml";

let $map := map:new(
  map:entry("fd1", ("fb1","fb2")),
  map:entry("fd2", ("fb3")),
  map:entry("fd3", ()),
  map:entry("fd4", ()),

return xdmp:database-restore(xdmp:database-forests(xdmp:database("db")),
  "/backups/Data", (), fn:false(), "", fn:false(), "", "", $map)
=> 33030877979801813489
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