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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   uri as String,
   [options as Object?]
) as Sequence


Sends an http DELETE request to the http server specified in the URI to delete the specified resource. The server should respond if the request is to be completed, but a response is not guaranteed. Also, even if the server does respond, it does not guarantee that the request has been or will be completed.

uri The URI of the document to delete.
options Options with which to customize this operation. For details on the supported options, see xdmp.httpGet.

Required Privileges


Usage Notes

The http functions only operate on URIs that use the http or https schemes; specifying a URI that does not begin with http:// or https:// throws an exception.

If an http function times out, it throws a socket received exception (SVC-SOCRECV).

Note the xdmp.httpDelete function simply sends a DELETE request to the specified web server; what happens with the DELETE request depends on the web server. The request does not delete a document from a MarkLogic Server database. To delete a document from a database, use the xdmp.documentDelete function.


       "authentication" : {
         "method" : "basic",
         "username" : "myname",
         "password" : "mypassword"
=> an optional response from the server

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