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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation
xdmp functions

The table below lists all the xdmp built-in functions (in this namespace: http://marklogic.com/xdmp).

You can also view these functions broken down by category:

451 functions
Function name Description
xdmp.access Returns whether a given action on the specified document URI would succeed.
xdmp.add64 Add two 64-bit integer values, discarding overflow.
xdmp.addResponseHeader Adds an HTTP response header field.
xdmp.addResponseTrailer Adds a HTTP Trailer when HTTP chunked transfer is enabled.
xdmp.amp Returns the amp ID for the specified amp.
xdmp.ampRoles Returns the set of all roles assigned to an amp, including roles directly assigned to the amp and roles inherited by other roles.
xdmp.and64 AND two 64-bit integer values.
xdmp.apply Applies an xdmp:function with the given parameters.
xdmp.architecture Returns the hardware architecture upon which MarkLogic Server is running.
xdmp.arrayValues Returns the array values as a Sequence.
xdmp.atomizable Returns true if a value could be atomized without error.
xdmp.awsRegion Returns the current Amazon Web Services region.
xdmp.awsServicesDomain Returns the current Amazon Web Services services domain.
xdmp.awsServicesPartition Returns the current Amazon Web Services services partition.
xdmp.azureEnvironment Returns the current Microsoft Azure Environment.
xdmp.azureRegion Returns the current Microsoft Azure Region.
xdmp.base64Decode Converts base64-encoded string to plaintext.
xdmp.base64Encode Converts plaintext into base64-encoded string.
xdmp.binaryDecode Converts an encoded byte sequence, passed in as a binary node, from the specified encoding to a unicode string.
xdmp.binaryIsExternal Test whether or not a binary node represents an external binary.
xdmp.binaryIsLarge Check whether a binary node is a large binary.
xdmp.binaryIsSmall Check whether a binary node is a small binary.
xdmp.binarySize Returns the size of the data, in bytes, represented by a binary node.
xdmp.binaryToInteger Parses a binary string, returning an integer.
xdmp.bootstrapHosts Returns a sequence of the IDs of all the bootstrap hosts in the cluster.
xdmp.cacheStatus Returns the status of the caches as a Sequence of ObjectNodes.
xdmp.callerDialect Returns the dialect (e.g., "javascript", "1.0-ml", etc) of the caller or the empty sequence if no dialect information is available.
xdmp.canGrantRoles Tests whether a user can grant or revoke a set of roles.
xdmp.castableAs Returns true if a value is castable.
xdmp.certificateValidateKeyPair Checks if a public key and private key match within an asymmetric encryption sequence.
xdmp.cluster Returns the ID of the cluster named in the parameter.
xdmp.clusterEffectiveVersion Returns the current MarkLogic Server effective version.
xdmp.clusterFedramp Returns whether MarkLogic Server is running in a FedRAMP certified environment.
xdmp.clusterName Returns the name of the cluster with the specified ID.
xdmp.clusterQuorumExists Returns whether there exists a quorum in the specified cluster.
xdmp.clusterVersionAtLeast Returns true current MarkLogic Server effective version is equal or greater that the version
xdmp.collationCanonicalUri Returns the canonical URI for the given URI, if it represents a valid collation.
xdmp.collationLocales Returns an enumeration of supported collation locales.
xdmp.collectionDelete Deletes from the database every document in a collection.
xdmp.collectionId Return the ID of a collection specified by URI.
xdmp.collectionLocks Returns locks of documents in a collection.
xdmp.collectionProperties Returns a sequence of properties documents, one for each document in the specified collection(s) that has a corresponding properties document.
xdmp.collections Returns the IDs of all collections in the system.
xdmp.commit Commit the current transaction to the database.
xdmp.configurationTimestamp Returns timestamp of last configuration changed
xdmp.credential Returns the credential
xdmp.credentialId Returns the id of a named credential.
xdmp.credentials Returns the credentials that the current user is allowed to use.
xdmp.crypt Calculates the password hash for the given password and salt.
xdmp.crypt2 Calculates the password hash for the given plain-text password.
xdmp.database Returns the ID of the database named in the parameter.
xdmp.databaseAssignmentPolicy This function returns the assignment policy for the specified database.
xdmp.databaseBackup Starts an asynchronous backup of the specified list of forests to the backup data directory.
xdmp.databaseBackupCancel Cancels an outstanding backup job with the specified job ID, returning true if the cancel operation is successful, false if the cancel operation is not successful.
xdmp.databaseBackupPurge Purge old backups from a directory.
xdmp.databaseBackupStatus Checks the status of the outstanding backup job with the specified job ID.
xdmp.databaseBackupValidate Validates that the specified list of forests can be backed up to the backup data directory.
xdmp.databaseDescribeIndexes Return the list of range index specifications for the given database ID.
xdmp.databaseDirectoryCreation This function returns the directory creation setting for the specified database.
xdmp.databaseEncryptionAtRest Returns the encryption at rest setting for the database identified by database-id
xdmp.databaseEncryptionKeyId Returns the encryption key ID for the database identified by database-id
xdmp.databaseForests Returns a sequence of forest IDs in the specified database.
xdmp.databaseGlobalNonblockingTimestamp Returns the most recent commit timestamp for which a query on the database including its foreign database will not block waiting for transactions to commit or journal frames to arrive from a foreign master.
xdmp.databaseIncrementalBackup Starts an asynchronous incremental backup of the specified list of forests to the backup data directory.
xdmp.databaseIncrementalBackupValidate Validates that the specified list of forests can be backed up to the backup data directory.
xdmp.databaseIsForestRetired This function returns true if the specified forest is retired and false the specified forest is not retired.
xdmp.databaseIsRebalancerEnable This function returns the rebalancer enable setting for the specified database.
xdmp.databaseIsReplica Tests if a database is a replica of a foreign database.
xdmp.databaseJournalArchivePurge Purge journal archive before last incremental backup from a directory.
xdmp.databaseName Return the name of the database with the given ID.
xdmp.databaseNodeQueryRolesets Return a sequence of query-rolesets that are required for proper querying of the given database nodes with Element Level Security.
xdmp.databaseNonblockingTimestamp Returns the most recent commit timestamp for which a query on the database will not block waiting for transactions to commit or journal frames to arrive from a foreign master.
xdmp.databasePathNamespaces Returns the list of path namespaces for the given database id.
xdmp.databaseRestore Starts an asynchronous restore of the specified list of destination forests from the backup data directory.
xdmp.databaseRestoreCancel Cancels an outstanding restore job with the specified job ID, returning true if the cancel operation is successful, false if the cancel operation is not successful.
xdmp.databaseRestoreStatus Checks the status of the outstanding restore job with the specified job ID.
xdmp.databaseRestoreValidate Validates that the specified list of destination forests can be restored from the backup data directory.
xdmp.databases Returns a sequence of the IDs of all the databases in the system.
xdmp.daynameFromDate Returns a string representing the dayname value in the localized value of $arg.
xdmp.decodeFromNCName Invertible function that decodes characters an NCName produced by xdmp.encodeForNCName.
xdmp.defaultCollections Returns the collections any new document would get if the current user were to insert a document without specifying the collections.
xdmp.defaultPermissions Returns the permissions any new document would get if the current user were to insert a document without specifying the default permissions.
xdmp.describe Returns a string representing the description of a given item sequence.
xdmp.diacriticLess Returns the specified string, converting all of the characters with diacritics to characters without diacritics.
xdmp.directory Returns the documents from the database in a directory.
xdmp.directoryCreate Creates a directory.
xdmp.directoryDelete Deletes a directory and all of its child and descendant documents and directories from the database.
xdmp.directoryLocks Returns locks of documents in a directory.
xdmp.directoryProperties Returns a sequence of properties documents, one for each document in the specified directory that has a corresponding properties document.
xdmp.documentAddCollections Adds the named document to the given collections.
xdmp.documentAddPermissions Adds the given permissions to the given document or directory.
xdmp.documentAddProperties Adds a sequence of properties to the properties of a document.
xdmp.documentAssign Assign a document URI to a forest index, using the same algorithm as xdmp:document-insert.
xdmp.documentDelete Deletes a document from the database.
xdmp.documentFilter Filters a wide variety of document formats, extracting metadata and text, and returning XHTML.
xdmp.documentForest Returns the forest ID of the forest in which a document (or a lock or a property) with the specified URI is stored.
xdmp.documentGet Returns the document in the file specified by $location.
xdmp.documentGetCollections Returns the collections to which a given document belongs.
xdmp.documentGetMetadata Returns the metadata value of a given document.
xdmp.documentGetMetadataValue Returns the metadata value of a given document.
xdmp.documentGetPermissions Returns the permissions to a given document.
xdmp.documentGetProperties Returns the property values for a document's property.
xdmp.documentGetQuality Returns the quality of the specified document if the document exists.
xdmp.documentInsert Inserts a new document into the database if a document with the specified URI does not already exist.
xdmp.documentLoad Inserts a new document with the specified URI.
xdmp.documentLocks Returns the locks for one or more documents or directories.
xdmp.documentPartitionAssign Assign a document to a partition number, using the partition queries in the database or in the second argument.
xdmp.documentProperties Returns a sequence of properties documents, one for each of the specified documents that has a corresponding properties document.
xdmp.documentPutMetadata Adds metadata to the document.
xdmp.documentRemoveCollections Removes the named document from the given collections.
xdmp.documentRemoveMetadata Removes metadata with certain keys from a document.
xdmp.documentRemovePermissions Removes the given permissions from the named document or directory.
xdmp.documentRemoveProperties Removes a sequence of properties from the properties of a document.
xdmp.documentSetCollections Sets the named document to belong to the given collections, replacing any previously set collections on the named document.
xdmp.documentSetMetadata Sets metadata to the document.
xdmp.documentSetPermissions Sets the permissions on the named document (or directory) to the given permissions, replacing any permissions previously set on the document (or directory).
xdmp.documentSetProperties Sets the properties of a document to the given sequence of elements, replacing any properties that already exist on the document.
xdmp.documentSetProperty Sets a property on a document.
xdmp.documentSetQuality Sets the quality of the document with the given URI.
xdmp.documentTimestamp Returns timestamp of the most recent visible update to a document, lock, or property.
xdmp.effectiveVersion Returns the effective version of this host
xdmp.elapsedTime Returns the elapsed time since the start of processing of this query.
xdmp.elementContentType Returns the schema-defined content-type of an element ("empty", "simple", "element-only", or "mixed").
xdmp.email Send an email in a JavasCript program.
xdmp.encodeForNCName Invertible function that escapes characters required to be part of an NCName.
xdmp.encodingLanguageDetect Analyzes binary, text, or XML data and suggests possible pairs of encoding and language, with a confidence score for each pair.
xdmp.eval Returns the result of evaluating a string as a Javascript program.
xdmp.excelConvert Converts a Microsoft Excel document to XHTML.
xdmp.externalBinary Returns an external binary node.
xdmp.externalBinaryPath Return the path to the external file associated with an external binary document.
xdmp.externalSecurity Returns the external security ID for the specified external security name.
xdmp.filesystemDirectory Performs a directory listing of the given file pathname.
xdmp.filesystemDirectoryCreate Creates the directory specified by pathname.
xdmp.filesystemDirectoryDelete Deletes the directory specified by pathname.
xdmp.filesystemFile Reads a file from the filesystem.
xdmp.filesystemFileDelete Deletes the file specified by pathname.
xdmp.filesystemFileEncryptionStatus Return the encryption status of a file.
xdmp.filesystemFileExists Return true if a file exists on a host; otherwise false.
xdmp.filesystemFileGetTime Returns access and modification time for a file.
xdmp.filesystemFileLength Reads the length of a file from the filesystem.
xdmp.filesystemFilepath Returns the canonicalized file path of the input path.
xdmp.filesystemFileSetTime Sets access and modification time for a file.
xdmp.foreignClusters Returns the IDs of the foreign clusters.
xdmp.foreignClusterStatus Returns the status of a foreign cluster from a host's point of view as a JSON node.
xdmp.forest Returns the ID of the forest specified as the parameter.
xdmp.forestBackup Backs up forest data files.
xdmp.forestBackupStatus Checks the status of the specified forests for any outstanding backup jobs.
xdmp.forestClear Clears forest data files, including all stands and journals.
xdmp.forestCounts Returns detailed forest statistics for a given forest as a Sequence of ObjectNodes.
xdmp.forestDatabaseReplicationResume Resume database replication with the specified forest IDs.
xdmp.forestDatabaseReplicationSuspend Suspend database replication with the specified forest IDs.
xdmp.forestDatabases Returns the database ID corresponding to the database to which the specified forest belongs, or empty sequence if the forest belongs to no database.
xdmp.forestFailoverInfo Return a sequence of pair of the forest IDs and host IDs for the failover forests and hosts of the given forest.
xdmp.forestHost Return the host of the forest with the given id.
xdmp.forestName Return the name of the forest with the given ID.
xdmp.forestOnline Returns true if the specified forest is online with a state of open, open replica or sync replicating if isReplica is true, or syncing replica if syncingOk is true, otherwise returns false.
xdmp.forestOpenReplica Returns the forest ID for each specified forest or for each forest's replica if the forest is currently experiencing a local disk failover.
xdmp.forestRestart Restarts a forest.
xdmp.forestRestore Restores forest data files.
xdmp.forestRollback Rolls forests back to a previous point in time, marking any fragment newer than the specified timestamp as deleted.
xdmp.forests Returns a sequence of the IDs of all the forests in the system.
xdmp.forestState Returns state of the forests
xdmp.forestStatus Returns the status of a forest as a Sequence of ObjectNodes.
xdmp.forestUpdatesAllowed Return updates allowed state of the forest with the given ID.
xdmp.forestValidateReplicaIndex Validate index data for the database replica forests of the specified forests.
xdmp.formatNumber Returns a formatted number value based on the picture argument.
xdmp.fromJSON Atomizes a JSON node, returning a JSON value.
xdmp.fromJsonString Parses a string as JSON, returning an item sequence.
xdmp.function Returns a function value as an xdmp.function type.
xdmp.functionModule Returns the module location (if any) that the xdmp.function value refers to.
xdmp.functionName Returns the QName of the function(s) that the xdmp.function refers to.
xdmp.functionParameterName Returns the name of the parameter at the designated (1-based) position from the given function's signature.
xdmp.functionParameterType Returns the type of the parameter at the designated (1-based) position from the given function's signature.
xdmp.functionReturnType Returns the return type from the given function's signature.
xdmp.functionSignature Returns the signature of the function that the argument refers to.
xdmp.getCurrentRoles Returns all the current roles, both assigned and inherited by the current user and any received from amps.
xdmp.getCurrentUser Returns the name of the current user.
xdmp.getCurrentUserid Returns the ID of the current user.
xdmp.getInvokedPath Returns the path of the module that is being invoked.
xdmp.getOriginalUrl Returns the portion of the URL following the host_name:port_number.
xdmp.getOrphanedBinaries Returns a sequence of the IDs of all orphaned large binaries in a given forest.
xdmp.getRequestBody For PUT or DELETE requests, returns the body of the request.
xdmp.getRequestClientAddress Returns as a string the internet address of the client from which the HTTP server request is issued.
xdmp.getRequestClientCertificate Returns the PEM encoded client certificate if one was presented.
xdmp.getRequestErrorFormat Returns the current error format for the request.
xdmp.getRequestField Returns the value of a named request field.
xdmp.getRequestFieldContentType This function is used to extract the content type from the request field.
xdmp.getRequestFieldFilename Returns a list of filenames from a multipart request for the field name specified.
xdmp.getRequestFieldNames Returns a sequence of the request field names.
xdmp.getRequestHeader Returns the value of a named request header.
xdmp.getRequestHeaderNames Returns a sequence of request header names.
xdmp.getRequestMethod Returns the HTTP request method.
xdmp.getRequestPath Returns the HTTP request path.
xdmp.getRequestPort Returns the port of the request.
xdmp.getRequestProtocol Returns as a string the request protocol (either "http" or "https") Returns the empty sequence if it is not called from an HTTP server.
xdmp.getRequestUrl Returns the portion of the URL following the host_name:port_number.
xdmp.getRequestUser If this App Server is using application-level authentication, returns the ID of the user in the last successful call to xdmp.login.
xdmp.getRequestUsername If this App Server is using application-level authentication, returns the username in the last successful call to xdmp.login.
xdmp.getResponseCode Returns two nodes, the first containing the HTTP response code and the second containing the HTTP response message.
xdmp.getResponseEncoding Returns the encoding that the response from this server is in.
xdmp.getServerField Returns the value of a named server field.
xdmp.getServerFieldNames Returns a sequence of the server field names.
xdmp.getSessionField Returns the value of a named session field from the session created by the xdmp.login function.
xdmp.getSessionFieldNames Returns a sequence of the HTTP session field names from the session created by the xdmp.login function.
xdmp.getTransactionMode Retrieve the transaction mode for the current session.
xdmp.getUrlRewriterPath Returns the URL of the URL rewriter handler for this application server.
xdmp.group Returns the ID of the group specified in the parameter.
xdmp.groupCacheClear Clears specified caches for the target group.
xdmp.groupGetAuditEventTypeEnabled This function returns the audit event type's enabled setting for the audit configuration.
xdmp.groupHosts Returns the IDs of all hosts belonging to the group with the given ID.
xdmp.groupName Returns the name of the group with the given ID.
xdmp.groupPortServers Returns the IDs of all port App Servers belonging to the group with the given ID.
xdmp.groups Returns a sequence of the IDs of all the groups in the system.
xdmp.groupServers Returns the IDs of all App Servers belonging to the group with the given ID.
xdmp.groupTaskServer Returns the ID of the Task Server belonging to the group with the given ID.
xdmp.gssServerNegotiate This function is used for kerberos GSS authentication in application level authentication.
xdmp.gunzip Get a node from a gzip node.
xdmp.gzip Create a gzip node from a node.
xdmp.hash32 Returns the 32-bit hash of a string.
xdmp.hash64 Returns the 64-bit hash of a string.
xdmp.hasPrivilege Tests whether the current user has at least one of a given set of privileges.
xdmp.healthcheckStatus Returns the health check status of each component in the current cluster.
xdmp.hexToInteger Parses a hexadecimal string, returning an integer.
xdmp.hmacMd5 Calculates the Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) using the md5 hash function of the given secret key and message arguments.
xdmp.hmacSha1 Calculates the Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) using the SHA1 hash function of the given secret key and message arguments.
xdmp.hmacSha256 Calculates the Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) using the SHA256 hash function of the given secret key and message arguments.
xdmp.hmacSha512 Calculates the Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) using the SHA512 hash function of the given secret key and message arguments.
xdmp.host Returns the ID of the host named in the parameter.
xdmp.hostForests Returns a sequence of forest IDs in the specified host.
xdmp.hostGetSslFipsEnabled Returns whether fips mode is enabled.
xdmp.hostGroup Returns the ID of the group that the specified host belongs to.
xdmp.hostMode Returns this host mode
xdmp.hostModeDescription Return the description string for this host mode setting
xdmp.hostName Returns the name of the specified host.
xdmp.hosts Returns a sequence of the IDs of all the hosts in the cluster.
xdmp.hostStatus Returns the status of a host as a JSON node.
xdmp.httpDelete Sends an http DELETE request to the http server specified in the URI to delete the specified resource.
xdmp.httpGet Sends the http GET method to the specified URI.
xdmp.httpHead Sends the http HEAD method to the specified URI.
xdmp.httpOptions Sends the http OPTIONS method to the specified URI.
xdmp.httpPost Sends an http POST request to the server.
xdmp.httpPut Sends an HTTP PUT request to an HTTP server.
xdmp.initcap Returns the string where the first letter of each token has been uppercased.
xdmp.integerToBinary Returns a binary representation of an integer.
xdmp.integerToHex Returns a hexadecimal representation of an integer.
xdmp.integerToOctal Returns an octal representation of an integer.
xdmp.invoke Returns the result of evaluating an XQuery or Server-Side JavaScript module at the given path.
xdmp.invokeFunction Returns the result of evaluating a JavaScript function value.
xdmp.isWhitespaceNode Returns true if the node is a text node containing only whitespace.
xdmp.jsonPointer Resolve a (relative) JSON pointer (see RFC 6901) in the context of a node and return the result, if any.
xdmp.jsonValidate Validate a JSON node against a JSON Schema.
xdmp.jsonValidateNode Validate a JSON node against a JSON Schema.
xdmp.jsonValidateReport Validate a JSON node against a JSON Schema and return an error report.
xdmp.jsonValidateReportNode Validate a JSON node against a JSON Schema and return an error report.
xdmp.jwtDecode Extracts the contents of a JWT object.
xdmp.jwtValidate Validates the signature of a JWT.
xdmp.keyFromQName Construct a context-independent string from a QName.
xdmp.keystoreExport Exports all encryption keys stored in the MarkLogic embedded KMS.
xdmp.keystoreImport Import encryption keys into the MarkLogic embedded KMS from an exported encrypted file (see keystore-export).
xdmp.keystoreSetCurrentHost Set current KMS host to the first one matching the user-specified name for all online MarkLogic nodes in the cluster.
xdmp.keystoreSynchronize Synchronize the Keystore's cache containing the keys used for encryption and decryption.
xdmp.keystoreValidateExported Validates the content of an exported keystore file, see keystore-export and keystore-import
xdmp.ldapLookup Returns an ldap entry.
xdmp.ldapSearch Returns ldap search result.
xdmp.load [DEPRECATED: use xdmp.documentLoad instead] Inserts a new document from the XML file at $path if a document with the specified URI does not already exist.
xdmp.lockAcquire Acquire a lock on a document or directory for an extended amount of time.
xdmp.lockForUpdate Acquires an intent exclusive transaction lock on a URI.
xdmp.lockRelease Unlock a document or directory.
xdmp.log Flush the log of the specific app server error log file.
xdmp.logfileScan Scan a file in ErrorLog.txt format filtering by date range and regular expression.
xdmp.login Logs in a user on an application server that is using application-level authentication and sends a session cookie containing the session ID to the user's browser.
xdmp.logLevel Retrieves the current server log level.
xdmp.logmessageParse Parse messages from logfile to xml, json, raw, or complex (XML with more elements) format.
xdmp.logout Logs the current user out of the session on the server.
xdmp.lshift64 Left-shift a 64-bit integer value.
xdmp.md5 Calculates the md5 hash of the given argument.
xdmp.merge Starts merging the forests of the database, subject to specified options.
xdmp.mergeCancel Cancel the merge with the specified merge ID on a forest with the specified forest ID.
xdmp.merging Returns the forest IDs of any currently merging database forests.
xdmp.mimetypes This function returns all the mimetypes specifications of the cluster.
xdmp.modulesDatabase Returns the database ID of the modules database.
xdmp.modulesRoot Returns the current root path for modules.
xdmp.monthNameFromDate Returns month name, calculated from the localized value of $arg.
xdmp.mul64 Multiply two 64-bit integer values, discarding overflow.
xdmp.multipartDecode Extract the parts from a multipart encoding.
xdmp.multipartEncode Create a multipart encoding of the specified node.
xdmp.nodeCollections Returns any collections for the node's document in the database.
xdmp.nodeDatabase Returns the database id where the parameter is stored.
xdmp.nodeDelete Deletes a node from the database.
xdmp.nodeInsertAfter Adds an immediately following sibling to a node.
xdmp.nodeInsertBefore Adds an immediately preceding sibling to a node.
xdmp.nodeInsertChild Adds a new last child to a node.
xdmp.nodeKind Returns an String representing the node's kind: either "document", "element", "attribute", "text", "namespace", "processing-instruction", "binary", or "comment".
xdmp.nodeMetadata Returns the metadata value of a given node.
xdmp.nodeMetadataValue Returns the metadata value of a node for a particular key.
xdmp.nodePermissions Returns the permissions to a node's document.
xdmp.nodeQueryRolesets Return a sequence of query-rolesets that are required for proper querying with Element Level Security if the node is inserted into the database with the given document-insert options.
xdmp.nodeReplace Replaces a node.
xdmp.nodeUri Returns the document-uri property of the parameter or its ancestor.
xdmp.not64 NOT a 64-bit integer value.
xdmp.octalToInteger Parses an octal string, returning an integer.
xdmp.or64 OR two 64-bit integer values.
xdmp.parseDateTime Parses a string containing date, time or dateTime using the supplied picture argument and returns a dateTime value.
xdmp.parsePermission Returns a permission object corresponding to the element or object given.
xdmp.parseYymmdd Parses a string containing date, time or dateTime using the supplied picture argument and returns a dateTime value.
xdmp.partitionForests Returns a sequence of forest IDs with the specified partition number
xdmp.passiveHasPrivilege Tests whether the current user has at least one of a given set of privileges.
xdmp.passiveSecurityAssert Tests whether the current user has at least one of a given set of privileges.
xdmp.path Returns a string whose value corresponds to the path of the node.
xdmp.pdfConvert Converts a PDF file to XHTML.
xdmp.permission Returns a permission object corresponding to the named role and capability given.
xdmp.platform Returns the operating-system platform upon which MarkLogic Server is running ("winnt", "linux", or "macosx").
xdmp.position Returns an integer value representing the starting position of a string within the search string.
xdmp.powerpointConvert Converts a Microsoft Powerpoint document to XHTML.
xdmp.prettyPrint Returns a well-formatted XQuery module.
xdmp.privilege Returns the privilege ID for the specified privilege name.
xdmp.privilegeKind Return the kind of the specified privilege.
xdmp.privilegeName Return the name of the specified privilege.
xdmp.privilegeRoles Returns the set of all roles that have a given privilege.
xdmp.privileges Returns the IDs of all privileges in the system.
xdmp.productEdition Returns the current MarkLogic product edition.
xdmp.productEnvironment Returns the current MarkLogic product environment.
xdmp.QNameFromKey Construct a QName from a string of the form "{namespaceURI}localname".
xdmp.quarterFromDate Returns an integer between 1 and 4, both inclusive, calculating the quarter component in the localized value of $arg.
xdmp.queryMeters Returns the current value of the resource meters for this query sequence as a JSON node.
xdmp.queryPartitions This function returns the partition numbers of the partitions that the specified query will be searched on.
xdmp.queryTrace Enables or disables tracing of this query.
xdmp.quote Returns the unevaluated serialized representation of the input parameter as a string.
xdmp.random Returns a random unsigned integer between 0 and a number up to 64 bits long.
xdmp.rangePartitionForests Given a value, the function returns a list of forests that have ranges the value falls into.
xdmp.redirectResponse Redirects the App Server response to a given location.
xdmp.removeOrphanedBinary Remove an orphaned large binary
xdmp.request Returns the unique key of the current request.
xdmp.requestCancel Cancel the request with the given host, server, and request IDs.
xdmp.requestLogDelete Deletes the value stored under the specified $key for the current request.
xdmp.requestLogGet Retrieves the value stored under the specified $key for the current request.
xdmp.requestLogPut Stores or updates a (key, value) pair for the current request.
xdmp.requestStatus Returns the status of a running request as a Sequence of ObjectNodes.
xdmp.requestTimestamp Returns the system timestamp for this request if the request is a query statement.
xdmp.resolveUri Resolves a relative URI against an absolute URI.
xdmp.restart Restart servers on hosts.
xdmp.rethrow Within the catch section of a try-catch expression, re-throw the currently caught error.
xdmp.role Returns the role ID for the specified role name.
xdmp.roleCompartment Return the compartment of the specified role.
xdmp.roleDescription Return the description of the specified role.
xdmp.roleGetDefaultCollections Return the default collections of specified role.
xdmp.roleGetDefaultPermissions Return the default permissions of specified role.
xdmp.roleName Returns the role name for the specified role id.
xdmp.rolePrivileges Return the IDs of privileges of specified role.
xdmp.roleRoles If the parameter $inherit is true, returns the set of all roles inherited by a given role, including roles directly assigned to the role and roles inherited from other roles.
xdmp.roles Returns the IDs of all roles in the system.
xdmp.rollback Roll back the current transaction.
xdmp.rsaGenerate Generate a new RSA public/private key pair.
xdmp.rshift64 Right-shift a 64-bit integer value.
xdmp.save Serializes a node as text and saves it to a file.
xdmp.schemaDatabase Returns the database ID of the schema database associated with the current database.
xdmp.securityAssert Tests whether the current user has at least one of a given set of privileges.
xdmp.securityDatabase Returns the database ID of the security database associated with the current database.
xdmp.server Return the ID(s) of the App Servers, XDBC Servers, ODBC Servers, or Task Servers with the given name.
xdmp.serverCollation Return the default collation of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID.
xdmp.serverCoordinateSystem Return the default coordinate system of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID.
xdmp.serverDatabase Return the database ID of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID.
xdmp.serverDefaultXqueryVersion Return the default xquery version of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID.
xdmp.serverGroup Return the ID of the group for an App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server.
xdmp.serverKind Return the kind of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID.
xdmp.serverMaxThreads Return the maximum number of server threads allowed on each host in the group of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID.
xdmp.serverModulesDatabase Return the modules database ID of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID.
xdmp.serverName Return the name of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID.
xdmp.serverPort Return the port of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID.
xdmp.serverRoot Return the root of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID.
xdmp.servers Returns a sequence of the IDs of all the App Servers (HTTP, XDBC, ODBC, and TaskServer) in the system.
xdmp.serverSessionTimeout Return the session timeout of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID.
xdmp.serverSslCertificateTemplate Return the SSL certificate template ID of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID.
xdmp.serverStatus Returns the status of an app-server on a host as a Sequence of ObjectNodes.
xdmp.setRequestLimit Changes the meter limit ( elapsedTime/lockCount/readSize) for an actively running request to the specified value.
xdmp.setRequestLimits Changes multiple meter limits ( elapsedTime/lockCount/readSize) for an actively running request to the specified value.
xdmp.setRequestTimeLimit Changes the time limit for an actively running request to the specified value.
xdmp.setResponseChunkedEncoding Enabble/disables chunked encoding
xdmp.setResponseCode Sets the response code and message.
xdmp.setResponseCompression Enabble/disables HTTP GZIP Response compression
xdmp.setResponseContentType Sets the response content-type.
xdmp.setResponseEncoding Sets the response encoding.
xdmp.setResponseOutputMethod Sets the serialization method.
xdmp.setServerField Sets the value of a named server field.
xdmp.setServerFieldPrivilege Sets the privilege of a named server field.
xdmp.setSessionField Sets the value of a named session field for the session created by the xdmp.login function.
xdmp.setTransactionMode Set the transaction mode for the current session.
xdmp.setTransactionName Set the name of a local or remote transaction.
xdmp.setTransactionTimeLimit Set the transaction time limit for a local or remote transaction.
xdmp.sha1 Calculates the SHA1 hash of the given argument.
xdmp.sha256 Calculates the SHA256 hash of the given argument.
xdmp.sha384 Calculates the SHA384 hash of the given argument.
xdmp.sha512 Calculates the SHA512 hash of the given argument.
xdmp.shutdown Shutdown servers on hosts.
xdmp.sleep Delays for a specific amount of time.
xdmp.softwareVersion Returns this host's software version
xdmp.spawn Place the specified module on the task queue for evaluation.
xdmp.sql Executes an ad hoc SQL query.
xdmp.sqlPlan Returns a node representing the query plan of the given SQL SELECT query.
xdmp.startJournalArchiving Starts journal archiving to the specified list of forests.
xdmp.step64 Combines an initial hash with a subsequent hash.
xdmp.stopJournalArchiving Stops journal archiving to the specified list of forests.
xdmp.streamable Returns a sequence of strings describing the streaming nature of the argument value.
xdmp.strftime Formats a dateTime value using POSIX strftime.
xdmp.subbinary Returns a binary node made up of a subset of the given binary node.
xdmp.tidy Run tidy on the specified html document to convert the document to well-formed and clean XHTML.
xdmp.timestampToWallclock Converts a 64 bit timestamp value to an xs:dateTime.
xdmp.toJSON Constructs a JSON document.
xdmp.toJsonString Returns a string representing a JSON serialization of a given item sequence.
xdmp.trace Signal a trace event.
xdmp.traceEnabled Returns whether or not a trace event is enabled.
xdmp.transaction Returns the transaction ID for the current transaction, or transaction IDs for all transactions with the given name.
xdmp.transactionCommit Explicitly commit a transaction running on a named host.
xdmp.transactionLocks Returns all URIs currently locked for read or write by a transaction.
xdmp.transactionRollback Explicitly roll back a transaction running on a named host.
xdmp.triggersDatabase Returns the database ID of the triggers database associated with the current database.
xdmp.type Returns the name of the simple type of the atomic value argument as an xs:QName.
xdmp.unquote Parses a string as XML, returning one or more document nodes.
xdmp.uriContentType Returns the content type of the given URI as matched in the mimetypes configuration.
xdmp.uriFormat Returns the format of the given URI as matched in the mimetypes configuration.
xdmp.uriIsFile Returns true if a given URI refers to a file which exists on the current application server.
xdmp.urlDecode Converts URL-encoded string to plaintext.
xdmp.urlEncode Converts plaintext into URL-encoded string.
xdmp.user Returns the user ID for the specified user name.
xdmp.userExternalSecurity Returns external security id and user name for an external user.
xdmp.userGetDefaultCollections Return the default collections of specified user.
xdmp.userGetDefaultPermissions Return the default permissions of specified user.
xdmp.useridRoles Returns all roles assigned to a user, including roles directly assigned to the user and roles inherited by other roles.
xdmp.userLastLogin Returns the last-login node for the current user.
xdmp.userPrivileges Return IDs of all privileges that a user have.
xdmp.userRoles Returns all roles assigned to a user, including roles directly assigned to the user and roles inherited by other roles.
xdmp.validate Returns an element containing a summary of validation errors in a node.
xdmp.version Returns the current MarkLogic Server version.
xdmp.wallclockToTimestamp Converts an xs:dateTime to a 64 bit timestamp value.
xdmp.weekdayFromDate Returns an integer in the range 1 to 7, inclusive, representing the weekday value in the localized value of $arg.
xdmp.weekFromDate Returns an integer between 1 and 53, both inclusive, representing the week value in the localized value of $arg.
xdmp.wordConvert Converts a Microsoft Word document to XHTML.
xdmp.x509CertificateExtract Returns the XML representation of the specified X.509 certificate.
xdmp.x509CertificateGenerate Generate a new PEM-encoded X.509 certificate.
xdmp.x509CertificateIssuerName Returns the issuer distinguished name for the specified X.509 certificate.
xdmp.x509CertificateSubjectName Returns the subject distinguished name for the specified X.509 certificate.
xdmp.xaComplete Completes (commits or rolls back) a prepared XA transaction.
xdmp.xaForget Forgets a remembered completed XA transaction.
xdmp.xor64 XOR two 64-bit integer values.
xdmp.xqueryEval Returns the result of evaluating a string as an XQuery module.
xdmp.xsltEval Executes an XSLT stylesheet against a node.
xdmp.xsltInvoke Executes an XSLT stylesheet against a node.
xdmp.yeardayFromDate Returns an integer between 1 and 366, both inclusive, representing the yearday value in the localized value of $arg.
xdmp.zipCreate Create a zip file from a list of nodes.
xdmp.zipGet Get a named file from a zip document.
xdmp.zipManifest Return a manifest for this zip file.