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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $vector as vec:vector,
   $start as xs:unsignedInt,
   [$length as xs:unsignedInt?]
) as vec:vector


Returns a subvector of the input vector, starting at the specified index, with the specified length (optional).

vector The input vector.
start The zero-based index of the input vector from which to start (inclusive).
length The length of the subvector. If not provided, returns a subvector beginning from index at start to the end of the input vector. If length is greater than the number of elements left in the input vector, throw VEC-OUTOFBOUNDS.


  xquery version "1.0-ml";
  let $vector := vec:vector((3.14,1.59,2.65,3.58,9.79,3.23))
  return vec:subvector($vector, 2, 3)

  => [ 2.65, 3.58, 9.79 ]

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