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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation
vec functions

The table below lists all the vec built-in functions (in this namespace: ).

You can also view these functions broken down by category:

14 functions
Function name Description
vec:add Returns the sum of two vectors.
vec:base64-decode Returns a vector value by decoding the base64 encoded string input.
vec:base64-encode Returns the base64 encoding of the vector.
vec:cosine-similarity Returns the cosine similarity between two vectors.
vec:dimension Returns the dimension of the vector passed in.
vec:dot-product Returns the dot product between two vectors.
vec:euclidean-distance Returns the Euclidean distance between two vectors.
vec:get Returns the element at the k-th index of the vector.
vec:magnitude Returns the magnitude of the vector.
vec:normalize Returns the vector passed in, normalized to a length of 1.
vec:subtract Returns the difference of two vectors.
vec:subvector Returns a subvector of the input vector, starting at the specified index, with the specified length (optional).
vec:vector Returns a vector value.
vec:vector-score A helper function that returns a hybrid score using a cts score and a vector similarity calculation result.