MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $uri as xs:string,
   $root as node(),
   [$permissions as element(sec:permission)*],
   [$collections as xs:string*]
) as map:map


This function returns a map:map (object[]) containing individual template information used for inserting templates with tde:template-batch-insert(). Permissions and collections are optional. If no permissions specified, xdmp:default-permissions() is the default.

uri The URI of the template document to be inserted.
root The template document. The template document can be in either JSON or XML format.
$permissions Any permissions to set on the template document.
collections One or more collections in which to insert the template document.

Usage Notes

The tde-admin role is required in order to insert a template into the schema database.

Note that this is a library function that requires that you import the tde.xqy module.


xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module "" at "/MarkLogic/tde.xqy";
let $t1 :=
<template xmlns="">
  tde:template-info("t1.xml", $t1),
  (: or with permissions and collections

<map:map xmlns:map="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="">
 <map:entry key="uri"><map:value xsi:type="xs:string">t1.xml</map:value></map:entry>
 <map:entry key="template"><map:value>
   <template xmlns="">

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