MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation
sem functions

The table below lists all the sem built-in functions (in this namespace:

56 functions
Function name Description
sem:binding Creates a sem:binding object, which is a sub-type of json:object (and map:map).
sem:bnode This function returns an identifier for a blank node, allowing the construction of a triple that refers to a blank node.
sem:coalesce Returns the value of the first argument that evaluates without error.
sem:curie-expand This function expands a CURIE (Compact URI) into a sem:iri object.
sem:curie-shorten This function shortens an IRI into a CURIE (Compact URI) into a sem:iri object.
sem:database-nodes This function returns database nodes backing given triples.
sem:datatype Returns the name of the simple type of the atomic value argument as a SPARQL style IRI.
sem:default-graph-iri Returns the iri of the default graph.
sem:describe This function implements the Concise Bounded Description (CBD) specification to describe one or more nodes in the graph.
sem:graph This function returns all triples from a named graph in the database.
sem:graph-add-permissions Add permissions to the graph specified.
sem:graph-delete This function deletes a named graph, and its graph document containing metadata, from the database.
sem:graph-get-permissions Get permissions to the graph specified.
sem:graph-insert This function inserts triples into a named graph, creating the graph if necessary.
sem:graph-remove-permissions Remove permissions from the graph specified.
sem:graph-set-permissions Set permissions to the graph specified.
sem:if The IF function form evaluates the first argument, interprets it as a effective boolean value, then returns the value of expression2 if the EBV is true, otherwise it returns the value of expression3.
sem:in-memory-store Returns a sem:store constructor that queries from the sequence of sem:triple values passed in as an argument.
sem:invalid Returns a sem:invalid value with the given literal value and datatype IRI.
sem:invalid-datatype Returns the datatype IRI of a sem:invalid value.
sem:iri This is a constructor function that takes a string and constructs an item of type sem:iri from it.
sem:isBlank Returns true if the argument is an RDF blank node - that is, derived from type sem:blank.
sem:isIRI Returns true if the argument is an RDF IRI - that is, derived from type sem:iri, but not derived from type sem:blank.
sem:isLiteral Returns true if the argument is an RDF literal - that is, derived from type xs:anyAtomicType, but not derived from type sem:iri.
sem:isNumeric Returns true if the argument is a valid numeric RDF literal.
sem:lang Returns the language of the value passed in, or the empty string if the value has no language.
sem:langMatches Returns true if $lang-tag matches $lang-range according to the basic filtering scheme defined in RFC4647.
sem:prefixes This function returns a set of prefix mappings for use with CURIE processing.
sem:query-results-serialize This function implements the W3C SPARQL Query Results format.
sem:random Returns a random double between 0 and 1.
sem:rdf-builder This function returns a function that builds triples from CURIE and blank node syntax.
sem:rdf-get This function returns sem:triples from a specified location.
sem:rdf-insert This function inserts triples into a specified database as one or more sem:triples documents.
sem:rdf-load This function inserts an RDF document from a specified location into the designated database.
sem:rdf-parse This function returns parsed sem:triple objects from a text format or XML.
sem:rdf-serialize This function returns a string or json or XML serialization of the provided triples.
sem:resolve-iri Resolves a relative URI against an absolute URI.
sem:ruleset-store The sem:ruleset-store function returns a set of triples derived by applying the ruleset to the triples in the sem:store constructor provided in $store ("the triples that can be inferred from these rules").
sem:sameTerm Returns true if the arguments are the same RDF term as defined by the RDF concepts specification.
sem:sparql Executes a SPARQL query against the database.
sem:sparql-plan Return a node representing the query plan of the given SPARQL query.
sem:sparql-update Executes a SPARQL Update operation against the database.
sem:sparql-values This function executes a SPARQL SELECT query using passed-in bindings participating as a starting point for the query.
sem:store The sem:store function defines a set of criteria, that when evaluated, selects a set of triples to be passed in to sem:sparql(), sem:sparql-update(), or sem:sparql-values() as part of the options argument.
sem:timezone-string Returns the timezone of an xs:dateTime value as a string.
sem:transitive-closure From a starting set of seeds, follow a given set of predicates, to a given depth, and return all unique node IRIs.
sem:triple Creates a triple object, which represents an RDF triple containing atomic values representing the subject, predicate, object, and optionally graph identifier (graph IRI).
sem:triple-graph Returns the graph identifier (graph IRI) from a sem:triple value.
sem:triple-object Returns the object from a sem:triple value.
sem:triple-predicate Returns the predicate from a sem:triple value.
sem:triple-subject Returns the subject from a sem:triple value.
sem:typed-literal Returns a value to represent the RDF typed literal with lexical value $value and datatype IRI $datatype.
sem:unknown Returns a sem:unknown value with the given literal value and datatype IRI.
sem:unknown-datatype Returns the datatype IRI of a sem:unknown value.
sem:uuid Return a UUID URN (RFC4122) as a sem:iri value.
sem:uuid-string Return a string that is the scheme specific part of random UUID URN (RFC4122).
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