MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $path as xs:string,
   $path-namespaces as element(sec:path-namespace)*,
   $permissions as element(sec:permission)+,
   $path-set as xs:string?
) as xs:unsignedLong


This function protects the path specified, restricting the ability to view content based on the user's permissions. The function returns the unique ID of the protected path.

path The name of the path to be protected.
path-namespaces The namespace(s) for the path to be protected.
permissions The permissions assigned to the protected path.
path-set The path set assigned to the protected path.

Required Privileges

Usage Notes

This function must be executed against the Security database.

If the protected path has a path set, it can only have read permissions.

Compartmented-roles in protected paths from the same set should belong to the same compartment.


 (: execute this against the Security database :)
xquery version "1.0-ml"; 
import module namespace sec = "" 
      at "/MarkLogic/security.xqy";
sec:protect-path("/root/bar[@baz=1]", (), (xdmp:permission("els-role-2", "read")))  ,
sec:protect-path("test", (), (xdmp:permission("els-role-2", "read")), "set1"),
sec:protect-path("/root/reg[fn:matches(@expr, 'is')]", (), (xdmp:permission("els-role-2", "read")))


 (: execute this against the Security database :)
xquery version "1.0-ml"; 
import module namespace sec = "" 
      at "/MarkLogic/security.xqy";
sec:protect-path("/root/ml:bar[@baz=1]", (sec:security-path-namespace("ml", "")),
  (xdmp:permission("els-role-2", "read")))

(: adds a protected path for the element in the ml namespace :)
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