MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   query as Node,
   [options as element(search.options)?],
   [start as (Number|String)?],
   [page-length as (Number|String)?]
) as Sequence


This function performs the same search as search:search, but it takes a parsed and annotated cts:query XML node or a structured search search:query XML node as input and returns the actual result nodes from the database.

query Either a serialized and annotated cts:query, or a structured query (search:query). You can generate either form of query as the result of a call to search:parse.
options Options to define the search grammar and control the search. See the description for $options for the function search:search.
start The index of the first hit to return. The default is 1.
page-length The maximum number of hits to return. The default is 10. If the value is 0, no results are returned.

Usage Notes

When used in conjunction with the extract-document-data option, each returned node contains the data specified by the extraction, rather than the entire document or fragment.

To obtain a search:response instead of the matching nodes, use search:resolve.


const search = require('/MarkLogic/appservices/search/search');

search.resolveNodes(search.parse('Vannevar Bush'),
    fn.head(xdmp.unquote('<options xmlns="">' +
      '<return-results>false</return-results>' +
      '<return-facets>true</return-facets>' +

// ==>
// ... sequence of document nodes ...


// Structured query example, plain search for "hello" 
const search = require('/MarkLogic/appservices/search/search');

const structQuery =
fn.head(xdmp.unquote('<query xmlns="">' +
 '<term-query>' +
  '<text>hello</text>' +
 '</term-query>' +


// Returns the nodes that match a query for "hello"      
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