MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   schematron-uri as String,
   [params as Object?]
) as null


This function compiles the Schematron schema with $schematron-uri as the URI of the Schematron document in the schema database and inserts the generated validator XSLT in the modules database with the URI, {$schematron-uri}-validator.xsl. For example, if the URI of the Schematron document is /schematron.sch, the URI of the validator XSLT will be /schematron.sch-validator.xsl. If the Schematron schema is not found, an SCHEMATRON-SCHEMANOTFOUND error is thrown. If Schematron schema is bad, the appropriate error is thrown.

schematron-uri The URI of the Schematron schema in the schema database.
params An optional map of parameters. The key value pairs acceptable for the params parameter are:
A string representing the id of a phase to be treated as the active phase, or #ALL to activate all phases. #ALL is the default value. If this parameter is not specified, the phase stated by the defaultPhase attribute in the schema element is used as the active phase. If the defaultPhase attribute is not set, #ALL is used as the active phase
If true (the default), diagnostics are added to the assertion test in reports. If false, diagnostics are not added.
If true, enable passing non-Schematron elements and rich markup to the generated validator stylesheet. If false (the default), disable passing non-Schematron elements.
If true (the default), generate fired-rule elements in the report to display the context. If false, do not generate fired-rule elements.
If true (the default), generate the @location attribute with XPaths in the assertion test in reports. If false, do not generate the @location attribute.
If true, terminate on the first failed assertion or successful report and throw XSLT-MSGTERMINATE. If false (the default), do not terminate.
If true, validate the Schematron schema. If the Schematron schema is bad, an XDMP-VALIDATEERRORS error is thrown. If false (the default), do not validate.

Usage Notes

The possible errors are as follows:
Possible Errors
SCHEMATRON-SCHEMANOTFOUND No document exists in the Schema database with the document URI specified.
SCHEMATRON-VALIDATORNOTFOUND The Schematron is not compiled and stored.
SCHEMATRON-NAMESPACE Schematron schema uses both old and new namespaces.
SCHEMATRON-QRYBINDING Invalid value for queryBinding attribute is specified.
SCHEMATRON-PHASE No phase has been defined with given the name.
SCHEMATRON-ACTIVE-NOPATTERN The active element has no pattern attribute.
SCHEMATRON-PATTERNREFERENCE Pattern declaration missing.
SCHEMATRON-ASSERT-NOTEST The assert element has no test attribute.
SCHEMATRON-REPORT-NOTEST The report element has no test attribute.
SCHEMATRON-DIAGNOSTIC-NOID The diagnostic element has no id attribute.
SCHEMATRON-EXTENDS-NORULE Declaration of abstract rule missing.
SCHEMATRON-RULEREFERENCE Abstract rule declaration missing.
SCHEMATRON-KEY-NONAME The key element has no name attribute.
SCHEMATRON-KEY-NOPATHORUSE The key element has no path or use attribute.
SCHEMATRON-KEY The key element is in the ISO Schematron namespace.
SCHEMATRON-FUNCTION-NONAME The function element has no name attribute.
SCHEMATRON-FUNCTION The function element in the ISO Schematron namespace.
SCHEMATRON-INCLUDEEMPTY Empty value for the href attribute in the include directive.
SCHEMATRON-INCLUDEBADURL Include directive contains a bad URL.
SCHEMATRON-INCLUDEBAD Unable to include the document referenced by include directive
SCHEMATRON-INCLUDE Include directive is used to reference the whole schema.
SCHEMATRON-CANNOTIMPORTSCHEMA Element import-schema is used for a query language binding that is not 'xslt2'
SCHEMATRON-IMPORTSCHEMA The import-schema element is in the ISO Schematron namespace.
SCHEMATRON-VARIABLES Incorrect use of variables.
SCHEMATRON-NS-NOURI The ns element has no uri attribute.
SCHEMATRON-NS-NOPREFIX The ns element has no prefix attribute.
SCHEMATRON-ABSTRACTPATTERNS Abstract patterns have not been pre-processed.
SCHEMATRON-PHASE-NOID The phase element has no id attribute.
SCHEMATRON-RULE-NOCONTEXT The rule element has no context attribute.
SCHEMATRON-ABSTRACTRULE-NOID The abstract rule has no id attribute.
SCHEMATRON-ABSTRACTRULE-CONTEXT The abstract rule has has context attribute.
SCHEMATRON-VALUEOF-NOSELECT The value element has no select attribute.
SCHEMATRON-HASCHILD Child element is unexpected for the given element.
SCHEMATRON-DIAGNOSTICREFERENCE Diagnostic declaration missing.
SCHEMATRON-UNKNOWN-SCHMTRNELEMENT Unknown Schematorn element is present.
SCHEMATRON-UNKNOWNELEMENT Unknown element is present.


// Insert the Schematron schema in the schema database.

// Note that line returns on XML schema files need to be escaped in javaScript.

// Note that the queryBinding="xslt2" attribute in the schema file directs Schematron to make 
// use of the xslt 2.0 engine.

const schema = fn.head(xdmp.unquote('<sch:schema xmlns:sch="" \
                                      queryBinding="xslt2" schemaVersion="1.0">\
<sch:phase id="phase1">\
  <sch:active pattern="structural"></sch:active>\
<sch:phase id="phase2">\
  <sch:active pattern="co-occurence"></sch:active>\
<sch:pattern id="structural">\
  <sch:rule context="request">\
    <sch:assert test="id">request should have an id</sch:assert>\
    <sch:assert test="count(*) = 7">request should have 7 properties: \
     id, description, maintainance, fixed, raisedBy, category and fixedBy \
<sch:pattern id="co-occurence">\
  <sch:rule context="request">\
    <sch:assert test="(category = \'doors\' and fixedBy = \'Tom\') \
        or (category != \'doors\')" diagnostics="d1"> \
        if category is doors then fixedBy must be Tom \
<sch:diagnostic id="d1">Requests of doors category should be fixed by Tom</sch:diagnostic>\

xdmp.documentInsert("/requestSchema.sch", schema.root)     

//schematron.put in the documents database
const schematron = require("/MarkLogic/schematron/schematron.xqy");

const params = 
  "phase" : "phase2",
  "terminate" : false,
  "generate-fired-rule" : true,
  "generate-paths" : true,
  "diagnose" : true,
  "allow-foreign" : false,
  "validate-schema" : true
schematron.put("/requestSchema.sch", params)


inserts the compiled Schematron schema (validator XSLT) in the Schemas 
database and returns empty sequence

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