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MarkLogic 12 EA 2 Product Documentation
vec functions (Vector Operations)

Use the following vector built-in functions to perform operations on vector values, such as cosine similarity or euclidean distance.

12 functions
Function name Description
vec.add Returns the sum of two vectors.
vec.base64Encode Returns the base64 encoding of the vector.
vec.cosineSimilarity Returns the cosine similarity between two vectors.
vec.dimension Returns the dimension of the vector passed in.
vec.dotProduct Returns the dot product between two vectors.
vec.euclideanDistance Returns the Euclidean distance between two vectors.
vec.get Returns the element at the k-th index of the vector.
vec.magnitude Returns the magnitude of the vector.
vec.normalize Returns the vector passed in, normalized to a length of 1.
vec.subtract Returns the difference of two vectors.
vec.subvector Returns a subvector of the input vector, starting at the specified index, with the specified length (optional).
vec.vectorScore A helper function that returns a hybrid score using a cts score and a vector similarity calculation result.