MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation
cts functions

The table below lists all the cts built-in functions (in this namespace:

You can also view these functions broken down by category:

399 functions
Function name Description
cts.afterQuery Returns a query matching fragments committed after a specified timestamp.
cts.afterQueryTimestamp Returns the timestamp with which a specified query was constructed.
cts.aggregate Executes a user-defined extension aggregate function against a value lexicon or n-way co-occurrence of multiple value lexicons.
cts.andNotQuery Returns a query specifying the set difference of the matches specified by two sub-queries.
cts.andNotQueryNegativeQuery Returns the negative (second parameter) query used to construct the specified query.
cts.andNotQueryPositiveQuery Returns the positive (first parameter) query used to construct the specified query.
cts.andQuery Returns a query specifying the intersection of the matches specified by the sub-queries.
cts.andQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.andQueryQueries Returns a sequence of the queries that were used to construct the specified query.
cts.approxCenter [DEPRECATED: use geo:approx-center instead] Return a point approximating the center of the given region.
cts.arcIntersection [DEPRECATED: use geo:arc-intersection instead] Returns the point at the intersection of two arcs.
cts.avgAggregate Returns the average of the values given a value lexicon.
cts.bearing [DEPRECATED: use geo:bearing instead] Returns the true bearing in radians of the path from the first point to the second.
cts.beforeQuery Returns a query matching fragments committed before or at a specified timestamp.
cts.beforeQueryTimestamp Returns the timestamp with which a specified query was constructed.
cts.boostQuery Returns a query specifying that matches to $matching-query should have their search relevance scores boosted if they also match $boosting-query.
cts.boostQueryBoostingQuery Returns the boosting (second parameter) query used to construct the specified boost query.
cts.boostQueryMatchingQuery Returns the matching (first parameter) query used to construct the specified boost query.
cts.boundingBoxes [DEPRECATED: use geo:bounding-boxes instead] Returns a sequence of boxes that bound the given region. Returns a geospatial box value.
cts.boxEast Returns a box's eastern boundary.
cts.boxIntersects [DEPRECATED: use geo:box-intersects instead] Returns true if the box intersects with a region.
cts.boxNorth Returns a box's northern boundary.
cts.boxSouth Returns a box's southern boundary.
cts.boxWest Returns a box's western boundary. Returns a geospatial circle value.
cts.circleCenter Returns a circle's center point.
cts.circleIntersects [DEPRECATED: use geo:circle-intersects instead] Returns true if the circle intersects with a region.
cts.circleRadius Returns a circle's radius.
cts.classify Classifies an array of nodes based on training data.
cts.cluster Produces a set of clusters from an array of nodes.
cts.collectionMatch Returns values from the collection lexicon that match the specified wildcard pattern.
cts.collectionQuery Match documents in at least one of the specified collections.
cts.collectionQueryUris Returns the URIs used to construct the specified query.
cts.collectionReference Creates a reference to the collection lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples.
cts.collections Returns values from the collection lexicon.
cts.columnRangeQuery Returns a cts.query matching documents matching a TDE-view column equals to an value.
cts.complexPolygon Returns a geospatial complex polygon value.
cts.complexPolygonContains [DEPRECATED: use geo:complex-polygon-contains instead] Returns true if the complex-polygon contains a region.
cts.complexPolygonInner Returns a complex polygon's inner polygons.
cts.complexPolygonIntersects [DEPRECATED: use geo:complex-polygon-intersects instead] Returns true if the complex-polygon intersects with a region.
cts.complexPolygonOuter Returns a complex polygon's outer polygon.
cts.confidence Returns the confidence of a node, or of the context node if no node is provided.
cts.confidenceOrder Creates a confidence-based ordering clause, for use as an option to
cts.contains Returns true if any of a sequence of values matches a query.
cts.correlation Returns the frequency-weighted correlation given a 2-way co-occurrence.
cts.countAggregate Returns the count of a value lexicon.
cts.covariance Returns the frequency-weighted sample covariance given a 2-way co-occurrence.
cts.covarianceP Returns the frequency-weighted covariance of the population given a 2-way co-occurrence.
cts.deregister Deregister a registered query, explicitly releasing the associated resources.
cts.destination [DEPRECATED: use geo:destination instead] Returns the point at the given distance (in miles) along the given bearing (in radians) from the starting point.
cts.directoryQuery Returns a query matching documents in the directories with the given URIs.
cts.directoryQueryDepth Returns the depth used to construct the specified query.
cts.directoryQueryUris Returns the URIs used to construct the specified query.
cts.distance [DEPRECATED: use geo:distance instead] Returns the distance (in miles) between two points.
cts.distinctiveTerms Return the most "relevant" terms in the model nodes (that is, the terms with the highest scores).
cts.doc Returns the document stored in the database at the specified URI.
cts.documentFormatQuery Returns a query matching documents of a given format.
cts.documentFormatQueryFormat Returns the formt used to construct the specified query.
cts.documentFragmentQuery Returns a query that matches all documents where $query matches any document fragment.
cts.documentFragmentQueryQuery Returns the query used to construct the specified query.
cts.documentOrder Creates a document-based ordering clause, for use as an option to
cts.documentPermissionQuery Returns a query matching documents with a given permission.
cts.documentPermissionQueryCapability Returns the capability used to construct the specified query.
cts.documentQuery Returns a query matching documents with the given URIs.
cts.documentQueryUris Returns the URIs used to construct the specified query.
cts.documentRootQuery Returns a query matching documents with a given root element.
cts.documentRootQueryRoot Returns the QName used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementAttributePairGeospatialBoxes Returns boxes derived from the specified element point lexicon(s).
cts.elementAttributePairGeospatialQuery Returns a query matching elements by name which has specific attributes representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point.
cts.elementAttributePairGeospatialQueryElementName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementAttributePairGeospatialQueryLatitudeName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementAttributePairGeospatialQueryLongitudeName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementAttributePairGeospatialQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.elementAttributePairGeospatialQueryRegion Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.elementAttributePairGeospatialQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.elementAttributePairGeospatialValueMatch Returns values from the specified element attribute pair geospatial value lexicon(s) that match the specified wildcard pattern.
cts.elementAttributePairGeospatialValues Returns values from the specified element-attribute-pair geospatial value lexicon(s).
cts.elementAttributeRangeQuery Constructs a query that matches element-attributes by name with a range-index entry equal to a given value.
cts.elementAttributeRangeQueryAttributeName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementAttributeRangeQueryElementName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementAttributeRangeQueryOperator Returns the operator used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementAttributeRangeQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.elementAttributeRangeQueryValue Returns the value used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementAttributeRangeQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.elementAttributeReference Creates a reference to an element attribute value lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples.
cts.elementAttributeValueCoOccurrences Returns value co-occurrences from the specified element or element-attribute value lexicon(s).
cts.elementAttributeValueGeospatialCoOccurrences Returns value co-occurrences from the specified element-attribute value lexicon with the specified geospatial lexicon.
cts.elementAttributeValueMatch Returns values from the specified element-attribute value lexicon(s) that match the specified pattern.
cts.elementAttributeValueQuery Returns a query matching elements by name with attributes by name with text content equal a given phrase.
cts.elementAttributeValueQueryAttributeName Returns the attribute QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementAttributeValueQueryElementName Returns the element QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementAttributeValueQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.elementAttributeValueQueryText Returns the text used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementAttributeValueQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.elementAttributeValueRanges Returns value ranges from the specified element-attribute value lexicon(s).
cts.elementAttributeValues Returns values from the specified element-attribute value lexicon(s).
cts.elementAttributeWordMatch Returns words from the specified element-attribute word lexicon(s) that match a wildcard pattern.
cts.elementAttributeWordQuery Returns a query matching elements by name with attributes by name with text content containing a given phrase.
cts.elementAttributeWordQueryAttributeName Returns the attribute QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementAttributeWordQueryElementName Returns the element QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementAttributeWordQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.elementAttributeWordQueryText Returns the text used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementAttributeWordQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.elementAttributeWords Returns words from the specified element-attribute word lexicon(s).
cts.elementChildGeospatialBoxes Returns boxes derived from the specified element point lexicon(s).
cts.elementChildGeospatialQuery Returns a query matching elements by name which has specific element children representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point.
cts.elementChildGeospatialQueryChildName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementChildGeospatialQueryElementName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementChildGeospatialQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.elementChildGeospatialQueryRegion Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.elementChildGeospatialQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.elementChildGeospatialValueMatch Returns values from the specified element child geospatial value lexicon(s) that match the specified wildcard pattern.
cts.elementChildGeospatialValues Returns values from the specified element-child geospatial value lexicon(s).
cts.elementGeospatialBoxes Returns boxes derived from the specified element point lexicon(s).
cts.elementGeospatialQuery Returns a query matching elements by name whose content represents a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point.
cts.elementGeospatialQueryElementName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementGeospatialQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.elementGeospatialQueryRegion Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.elementGeospatialQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.elementGeospatialValueMatch Returns values from the specified element geospatial value lexicon(s) that match the specified wildcard pattern.
cts.elementGeospatialValues Returns values from the specified element geospatial value lexicon(s).
cts.elementPairGeospatialBoxes Returns boxes derived from the specified element point lexicon(s).
cts.elementPairGeospatialQuery Returns a query matching elements by name which has specific element children representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point.
cts.elementPairGeospatialQueryElementName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementPairGeospatialQueryLatitudeName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementPairGeospatialQueryLongitudeName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementPairGeospatialQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.elementPairGeospatialQueryRegion Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.elementPairGeospatialQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.elementPairGeospatialValueMatch Returns values from the specified element pair geospatial value lexicon(s) that match the specified wildcard pattern.
cts.elementPairGeospatialValues Returns values from the specified element-pair geospatial value lexicon(s).
cts.elementQuery Constructs a query that matches elements by name with the content constrained by the query given in the second parameter.
cts.elementQueryElementName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementQueryQuery Returns the query used to construct the element query.
cts.elementRangeQuery Constructs a query that matches elements by name with range index entry equal to a given value.
cts.elementRangeQueryElementName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementRangeQueryOperator Returns the operator used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementRangeQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.elementRangeQueryValue Returns the value used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementRangeQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.elementReference Creates a reference to an element value lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts.valueTuples, temporal.axisCreate, or any other function that takes an index reference.
cts.elementValueCoOccurrences Returns value co-occurrences (that is, pairs of values, both of which appear in the same fragment) from the specified element value lexicon(s).
cts.elementValueGeospatialCoOccurrences Returns value co-occurrences from the specified element value lexicon with the specified geospatial lexicon.
cts.elementValueMatch Returns values from the specified element value lexicon(s) that match the specified wildcard pattern.
cts.elementValueQuery Returns a query matching elements by name with text content equal a given phrase.
cts.elementValueQueryElementName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementValueQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.elementValueQueryText Returns the text used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementValueQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.elementValueRanges Returns value ranges from the specified element value lexicon(s).
cts.elementValues Returns values from the specified element value lexicon(s).
cts.elementWalk Returns a copy of the node, replacing any elements found with the specified expression.
cts.elementWordMatch Returns words from the specified element word lexicon(s) that match a wildcard pattern.
cts.elementWordQuery Returns a query matching elements by name with text content containing a given phrase.
cts.elementWordQueryElementName Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementWordQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.elementWordQueryText Returns the text used to construct the specified query.
cts.elementWordQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.elementWords Returns words from the specified element word lexicon.
cts.entity Returns a cts:entity object.
cts.entityDictionary Returns a cts:entity-dictionary object.
cts.entityDictionaryGet Retrieve an entity dictionary previously cached in the database.
cts.entityDictionaryParse Construct a cts:entity-dictionary object by parsing it from a formatted string.
cts.entityHighlight Returns a copy of the node, replacing any entities found with the specified expression.
cts.entityWalk Walk an XML document or element node, evaluating a callback function against any matching entities.
cts.estimate Returns the number of fragments selected by a search.
cts.exists Returns true if any fragment is selected by the search, false if no fragments are selected.
cts.falseQuery Returns a query that matches no fragments.
cts.fieldRangeQuery Returns a cts:query matching fields by name with a range-index entry equal to a given value.
cts.fieldRangeQueryFieldName Returns the fieldname used to construct the specified query.
cts.fieldRangeQueryOperator Returns the operator used to construct the specified query.
cts.fieldRangeQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.fieldRangeQueryValue Returns the value used to construct the specified query.
cts.fieldRangeQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.fieldReference Creates a reference to a field value lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts.valueTuples.
cts.fieldValueCoOccurrences Returns value co-occurrences (that is, pairs of values, both of which appear in the same fragment) from the specified field value lexicon(s).
cts.fieldValueMatch Returns values from the specified field value lexicon(s) that match the specified wildcard pattern.
cts.fieldValueQuery Returns a query matching text content containing a given value in the specified field.
cts.fieldValueQueryFieldName Returns the names used to construct the specified cts:field-value-query.
cts.fieldValueQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified cts:field-value-query.
cts.fieldValueQueryText Returns the values used to construct the specified cts:field-value-query.
cts.fieldValueQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.fieldValueRanges Returns value ranges from the specified field value lexicon(s).
cts.fieldValues Returns values from the specified field value lexicon(s).
cts.fieldWordMatch Returns words from the specified field word lexicon(s) that match a wildcard pattern.
cts.fieldWordQuery Returns a query matching fields with text content containing a given phrase.
cts.fieldWordQueryFieldName Returns the names used to construct the specified cts:field-word-query.
cts.fieldWordQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified cts:field-word-query.
cts.fieldWordQueryText Returns the text used to construct the specified cts:field-word-query.
cts.fieldWordQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.fieldWords Returns words from the specified field word lexicon. Returns the fitness of a node, or of the context node if no node is provided.
cts.fitnessOrder Creates a fitness-based ordering clause, for use as an option to
cts.frequency Returns an integer representing the number of times in which a particular value occurs in a value lexicon lookup.
cts.geospatialAttributePairReference Creates a reference to a geospatial attribute pair range index, for use as a parameter to cts.valueTuples This function will throw an exception if the specified range index does not exist.
cts.geospatialBoxes Returns boxes derived from the specified point lexicon(s).
cts.geospatialCoOccurrences Find value co-occurrences from two geospatial lexicons.
cts.geospatialElementChildReference Creates a reference to a geospatial element child range index, for use as a parameter to cts.valueTuples.
cts.geospatialElementPairReference Creates a reference to a geospatial element pair range index, for use as a parameter to cts.valueTuples.
cts.geospatialElementReference Creates a reference to a geospatial element range index, for use as a parameter to cts.valueTuples.
cts.geospatialJsonPropertyChildReference Creates a reference to a geospatial json property child range index, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples cts.valueTuples.
cts.geospatialJsonPropertyPairReference Creates a reference to a geospatial JSON property pair range index, for use as a parameter to cts.valueTuples.
cts.geospatialJsonPropertyReference Creates a reference to a geospatial json property range index, for use as a parameter to cts.valueTuples.
cts.geospatialPathReference Creates a reference to a geospatial path range index, for use as a parameter to cts.valueTuples.
cts.geospatialRegionPathReference Create a reference to a geospatial region path index, for use as a parameter to cts.geospatialRegionQuery and other query operations on geospatial region indexes.
cts.geospatialRegionQuery Construct a query to match regions in documents that satisfy a specified relationship relative to other regions.
cts.geospatialRegionQueryOperation Returns the comparison operation specified when constructing the input query.
cts.geospatialRegionQueryOptions Returns the options specified when constructing the input query.
cts.geospatialRegionQueryReference Returns the geospatial region path index reference(s) specified when constructing the input query.
cts.geospatialRegionQueryRegion Returns the region criteria specified when constructing the input query.
cts.geospatialRegionQueryWeight Returns the weight specified when constructing the input query.
cts.highlight Returns a copy of the node, replacing any text matching the query with the specified expression.
cts.indexOrder Creates a index-based ordering clause, for use as an option to
cts.iriReference Creates a reference to the URI lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples.
cts.jsonPropertyChildGeospatialQuery Returns a query matching json properties by name which has specific children representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point.
cts.jsonPropertyChildGeospatialQueryChildName Returns the names used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyChildGeospatialQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyChildGeospatialQueryPropertyName Returns the names used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyChildGeospatialQueryRegion Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.jsonPropertyChildGeospatialQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.jsonPropertyGeospatialQuery Returns a query matching json properties by name whose content represents a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point.
cts.jsonPropertyGeospatialQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyGeospatialQueryPropertyName Returns the json property names used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyGeospatialQueryRegion Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.jsonPropertyGeospatialQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.jsonPropertyPairGeospatialQuery Returns a query matching json properties by name which has specific property children representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point.
cts.jsonPropertyPairGeospatialQueryLatitudeName Returns the property names used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyPairGeospatialQueryLongitudeName Returns the property names used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyPairGeospatialQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyPairGeospatialQueryPropertyName Returns the property names used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyPairGeospatialQueryRegion Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.jsonPropertyPairGeospatialQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.jsonPropertyRangeQuery Returns a cts:query matching JSON properties by name with a range-index entry equal to a given value.
cts.jsonPropertyRangeQueryOperator Returns the operator used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyRangeQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyRangeQueryPropertyName Returns the JSON property name used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyRangeQueryValue Returns the value used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyRangeQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.jsonPropertyReference Creates a reference to a JSON property value lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples.
cts.jsonPropertyScopeQuery Returns a cts:query matching JSON properties by name with the content constrained by the given cts:query in the second parameter.
cts.jsonPropertyScopeQueryPropertyName Returns the JSON property name used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyScopeQueryQuery Returns the query used to construct the property scope query.
cts.jsonPropertyValueQuery Returns a query matching JSON properties by name with value equal the given value.
cts.jsonPropertyValueQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyValueQueryPropertyName Returns the JSON property name used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyValueQueryText Returns the text used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyValueQueryValue Returns the value used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyValueQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.jsonPropertyWordMatch Returns words from the specified JSON property word lexicon(s) that match a wildcard pattern.
cts.jsonPropertyWordQuery Returns a query matching JSON properties by name with text content containing a given phrase.
cts.jsonPropertyWordQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyWordQueryPropertyName Returns the name used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyWordQueryText Returns the text used to construct the specified query.
cts.jsonPropertyWordQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.jsonPropertyWords Returns words from the specified JSON property word lexicon.
cts.linearModel Returns a linear model that fits the frequency-weighted data set.
cts.linestring Returns a geospatial linestring value.
cts.linestringVertices Returns a linestring's vertices.
cts.locksFragmentQuery Returns a query that matches all documents where $query matches document-locks.
cts.locksFragmentQueryQuery Returns the query used to construct the specified query.
cts.lsqtQuery Returns only documents before LSQT or a timestamp before LSQT for stable query results.
cts.lsqtQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.lsqtQueryTemporalCollection Returns the name of the temporal collection used to construct specified query.
cts.lsqtQueryTimestamp Returns timestamp used to construct the specified query.
cts.lsqtQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.matchRegions Find regions in documents that have a spatial relationship to one or more caller-supplied regions.
cts.max Returns the maximal value given a value lexicon.
cts.median Returns a frequency-weighted median of a sequence.
cts.min Returns the minimal value given a value lexicon.
cts.nearQuery Returns a query matching all of the specified queries, where the matches occur within the specified distance from each other.
cts.nearQueryDistance Returns the distance used to construct the near query.
cts.nearQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.nearQueryQueries Returns the query sequence used to construct the near query.
cts.nearQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.notInQuery Returns a query matching the first sub-query, where those matches do not occur within 0 distance of the other query.
cts.notInQueryNegativeQuery Returns the negative (second parameter) query used to construct the specified query.
cts.notInQueryPositiveQuery Returns the positive (first parameter) query used to construct the specified query.
cts.notQuery Returns a query specifying the matches not specified by its sub-query.
cts.notQueryQuery Returns the query used to construct the specified query.
cts.notQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.orQuery Returns a query specifying the union of the matches specified by the sub-queries.
cts.orQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.orQueryQueries Returns a sequence of the queries that were used to construct the specified query.
cts.parse Parses a query string
cts.parseWkt [DEPRECATED: use geo:parse-wkt instead] Returns a sequence of geospatial regions parsed from Well-Known Text format.
cts.partOfSpeech Returns the part of speech for a cts:token, if any.
cts.pathGeospatialQuery Returns a query matching path expressions whose content represents a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point.
cts.pathGeospatialQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.pathGeospatialQueryPathExpression Returns the path expressions used to construct the specified query.
cts.pathGeospatialQueryRegion Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.pathGeospatialQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.pathRangeQuery Returns a cts:query matching documents where the content addressed by an XPath expression satisfies the specified relationship (=, <, >, etc.) with respect to the input criteria values.
cts.pathRangeQueryOperator Returns the operator used to construct the specified query.
cts.pathRangeQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.pathRangeQueryPathName Returns the path expression used to construct the specified query.
cts.pathRangeQueryValue Returns the value used to construct the specified query.
cts.pathRangeQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.pathReference Creates a reference to a path value lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples.
cts.percentile Returns a sequence of percentile(s) given a sequence of percentage(s).
cts.percentRank Returns the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage of the data set.
cts.period Creates a period value, for use as a parameter to cts:period-range-query or cts:period-compare-query.
cts.periodCompare Compares two periods using the specified comparison operator.
cts.periodCompareQuery Returns a cts:query matching documents that have relevant pair of period values.
cts.periodCompareQueryAxis1 Returns the name of the first axis used to construct the specified query.
cts.periodCompareQueryAxis2 Returns the name of the second axis used to construct the specified query.
cts.periodCompareQueryOperator Returns the operator used to construct the specified query.
cts.periodCompareQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.periodRangeQuery Returns a cts:query matching axis by name with a period value with an operator.
cts.periodRangeQueryAxis Returns the axis name used to construct the specified query.
cts.periodRangeQueryOperator Returns the operator used to construct the specified query.
cts.periodRangeQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.periodRangeQueryPeriod Returns the period used to construct the specified query.
cts.plan Returns an array of JavaScript objects recording information about how the given search will be processed by the index.
cts.point Returns a point value.
cts.pointLatitude Returns a point's latitude value.
cts.pointLongitude Returns a point's longitude value.
cts.polygon Returns a geospatial polygon value.
cts.polygonContains [DEPRECATED: use geo:polygon-contains instead] Returns true if the polygon contains a region.
cts.polygonIntersects [DEPRECATED: use geo:polygon-intersects instead] Returns true if the polygon intersects with a region.
cts.polygonVertices Returns a polygon's vertices.
cts.propertiesFragmentQuery Returns a query that matches all documents where $query matches document-properties.
cts.propertiesFragmentQueryQuery Returns the query used to construct the specified query.
cts.quality Returns the quality of a node, or of the context node if no node is provided.
cts.qualityOrder Creates a quality-based ordering clause, for use as an option to
cts.query Creates a query.
cts.rangeQuery Returns a cts:query matching specified nodes with a range-index entry compared to a given value.
cts.rangeQueryIndex Returns the range index used to construct the specified query.
cts.rangeQueryOperator Returns the operator used to construct the specified query.
cts.rangeQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.rangeQueryValue Returns the value used to construct the specified query.
cts.rangeQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.rank Returns the rank of a value in a data set.
cts.referenceCollation Accessor for the collation of a reference to a string value lexicon.
cts.referenceCoordinateSystem Accessor for the coordinate-system of a reference to a geospatial lexicon.
cts.referenceNamespaces Accessor for the namespaces of a reference to a [geospatial] path lexicon.
cts.referenceNullable Returns true() if the reference is nullable, false() otherwise.
cts.referenceParse Creates a reference to a value lexicon by parsing its XML or JSON representation, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples.
cts.referenceScalarType Accessor for the scalar type of a reference to a value lexicon.
cts.regionContains [DEPRECATED: use geo:region-contains instead] Returns true if the region contains the other region.
cts.regionIntersects [DEPRECATED: use geo:region-intersects instead] Returns true if the region intersects with a region.
cts.register Register a query for later use.
cts.registeredQuery Returns a query matching fragments specified by previously registered queries (see cts:register).
cts.registeredQueryIds Returns the registered query identifiers used to construct the specified query.
cts.registeredQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.registeredQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.relevanceInfo Return the relevance score computation report for a node.
cts.remainder Returns an estimated search result size for a node, or of the context node if no node is provided.
cts.reverseQuery Construct a query that matches serialized cts queries, based on a set of model input nodes.
cts.reverseQueryNodes Returns the nodes used to construct the specified query.
cts.reverseQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.score Returns the score of a node, or of the context node if no node is provided.
cts.scoreOrder Creates a score-based ordering clause, for use as an option to Returns a relevance-ordered sequence of nodes specified by a given query.
cts.shortestDistance [DEPRECATED: use geo:shortest-distance instead] Returns the great circle distance (in miles) between a point and an region.
cts.similarQuery Returns a query matching nodes similar to the model nodes.
cts.similarQueryNodes Returns the nodes used to construct the specified query.
cts.similarQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.stddev Returns a frequency-weighted sample standard deviation given a value lexicon.
cts.stddevP Returns a frequency-weighted standard deviation of the population given a value lexicon.
cts.stem Returns the stem(s) for a word.
cts.sumAggregate Returns the sum of the values given a value lexicon.
cts.thresholds Compute precision, recall, the F measure, and thresholds for the classes computed by the classifier, by comparing with the labels for the same set.
cts.tokenize Tokenizes text into words, punctuation, and spaces.
cts.toWkt [DEPRECATED: use geo:to-wkt instead] Returns a sequence of strings in Well-Known Text format.
cts.train Produces a set of classifiers from a list of labeled training documents.
cts.tripleRangeQuery Returns a cts.query matching triples with a triple index entry equal to the given values.
cts.tripleRangeQueryObject Returns the object value used to construct the specified query.
cts.tripleRangeQueryOperator Returns the operators used to construct the specified query.
cts.tripleRangeQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.tripleRangeQueryPredicate Returns the predicate value used to construct the specified query.
cts.tripleRangeQuerySubject Returns the subject value used to construct the specified query.
cts.tripleRangeQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.triples Returns values from the triple index.
cts.tripleValueStatistics Returns statistics from the triple index for the values given.
cts.trueQuery Returns a query that matches all fragments.
cts.unordered Specifies that results should be unordered, for use with
cts.uriMatch Returns values from the URI lexicon that match the specified wildcard pattern.
cts.uriReference Creates a reference to the URI lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples.
cts.uris Returns values from the URI lexicon.
cts.validDocumentPatchPath Parses path expressions and resolves namespaces using the $map parameter.
cts.validExtractPath Parses path expressions and resolves namespaces using the $map parameter.
cts.validIndexPath Parses path expressions and resolves namespaces based on the server run-time environment.
cts.validOpticPath Parses path expressions and resolves namespaces using the $map parameter.
cts.validTdeContext Parses path expressions and resolves namespaces using the $map parameter.
cts.valueCoOccurrences Returns value co-occurrences (that is, pairs of values, both of which appear in the same fragment) from the specified value lexicon(s).
cts.valueMatch Returns values from the specified value lexicon(s) that match the specified wildcard pattern.
cts.valueRanges Returns value ranges from the specified value lexicon(s).
cts.values Returns values from the specified value lexicon(s).
cts.valueTuples Returns value co-occurrence tuples (that is, tuples of values, each of which appear in the same fragment) from the specified value lexicons.
cts.variance Returns a frequency-weighted sample variance given a value lexicon.
cts.varianceP Returns a frequency-weighted variance of the population given a value lexicon.
cts.walk Walks a node, evaluating a callback function for any text matching a query.
cts.wordMatch Returns words from the word lexicon that match the wildcard pattern.
cts.wordQuery Returns a query matching text content containing a given phrase.
cts.wordQueryOptions Returns the options for the specified query.
cts.wordQueryText Returns the text used to construct the specified query.
cts.wordQueryWeight Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed.
cts.words Returns words from the word lexicon.
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