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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   users as (Number|String)[],
   roles as (Number|String)[],
   days as String[],
   start-time as (Number|String)?,
   end-time as (Number|String)?,
   duration as xs.duration?
) as element(gr.requestBlackout)


This function constructs a request-blackout specification.

users A sequence of user ID(s) that the request blackout applies too.
roles A sequence of role ID(s) that the request blackout applies too.
days The day(s) of the week. Must be a sequence of zero or more of monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday.
start-time A time for the request blackout to start.
end-time A time for the request blackout to end.
duration The amount of time for the blackout to last.


  const admin = require('/MarkLogic/admin.xqy');
  admin.appserverRecurringRequestBlackout(null,null, "monday",
        xs.time("09:45:00"), xs.time("11:45:00"), null )

   //returns the requestBlackout specification 

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