MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $database as xs:string,
   [$preview-settings as element(info:settings)],
   [$delta as xs:boolean]
) as element(info:settings)


[DEPRECATED] This function returns the a node representing support for database features of wildcarding, word positions, and reverse search. Returns a boolean value for each database feature based on whether its corresponding database settings are on or off. If some settings are on for a feature but others are off, then the feature will be noted as off. A "detail" child node includes the value of each related database setting.

The optional $preview-settings and $delta arguments allow developers to pass in settings to preview the result of a given set of features. If $delta is set to true(), only values that will change are returned. If not provided, $delta is false().

This call is read-only, it does not change the state of database features supported.

database The name of the database for which to get support information. If a database that comes pre-configured with the server (other than the "Documents" database) is specified, then a "Restricted Database" exception will occur.
preview-settings Settings XML representing a desired set of database features to preview. Note: if the incoming XML has a detail section, it is ignored.
delta If this parameter is set to true, then on preview the returned information will only include settings that would change on a call to info:database-set-feature(). Defaults to false if not specified.


  xquery version "1.0-ml"; 

  import module namespace info = ""  
      at "/MarkLogic/appservices/infostudio/info.xqy";


  (: Returns the current state of the supported database features. :)
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