MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation
fn functions (QName)

These built-in functions are XQuery functions defined to operate on qualified name (xs:QName) values. They are defined in XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators.

8 functions
Function name Description
fn:expanded-QName [0.9-ml only, use fn:QName instead] Returns an xs:QName with the namespace URI given in $paramURI and the local name in $paramLocal.
fn:in-scope-prefixes Returns the prefixes of the in-scope namespaces for $element.
fn:local-name-from-QName Returns an xs:NCName representing the local part of $arg.
fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix Returns the namespace URI of one of the in-scope namespaces for $element, identified by its namespace prefix.
fn:namespace-uri-from-QName Returns the namespace URI for $arg as an xs:string.
fn:prefix-from-QName Returns an xs:NCName representing the prefix of $arg.
fn:QName Returns an xs:QName with the namespace URI given in $paramURI.
fn:resolve-QName Returns an xs:QName value (that is, an expanded QName) by taking an xs:string that has the lexical form of an xs:QName (a string in the form "prefix:local-name" or "local-name") and resolving it using the in-scope namespaces for a given element.
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