MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $xquery as xs:string,
   [$vars as item()*],
   [$options as (element()|map:map)?]
) as xs:unsignedLong


Evaluate a string as an XQuery for debugging. Module evaluation will be stopped at the start of the first expression. Returns the request ID after creating the request. Requests evaluated for debugging with dbg:eval are evaluated on the task server, not on the App Server in which they are initiated.

xquery The XQuery string to be evaluated. If the XQuery string contains double quotes ("), surround the string with single quotes (').
vars The external variable values for this evaluation. This must be a sequence of even length, alternating QNames and items. Each QName and item pair specify a variable name and value.
options The options node. The default value is (). The node for the dbg:eval options must be in the xdmp:eval namespace. See the xdmp:eval section for a list of options.

Required Privileges or

Usage Notes

The "update" option is not supported.



=> The ID of the request stopped for debugging
   (for example, 1767394036047154157).  The
   request is evaluated on the task server, and
   you can use the ID to pass into one of the other
   debug functions (for example, dbg:continue or
   dbg:step) to debug the request.


xquery version "1.0-ml";

dbg:eval("xdmp:log(xs:string(xdmp:estimate(doc())))", (),
  <options xmlns="xdmp:eval">

=> The ID of the request stopped for debugging
   (for example, 13942194686892174312).  The
   request is evaluated on the task server, and
   this request will use the "Documents" database
   as its context database.  You can use the ID to
   pass into one of the other debug functions
   (for example, dbg:continue or dbg:step) to
   debug the request.

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