MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $banner-options as map:map
) as empty-sequence


This function sets the banner that will appear on the qconsole page and the admin GUI page.

banner-options The banner-options parameter is a map:map that specifies different attributes of the UI banner. Keys that are omitted will use default value to set up the banner. The accepted keys are the following:
The banner will show up if the value is set as fn:true(). The banner will be hidden if it is set as fn:false().
The label text that will be displayed on the banner. The default value is "Envirnoment Label".
The color of the banner background. The value of this key should be HTML color hex code. The default value is "#FF6666".
The color of the banner text. The value of this key should be HTML color hex code. The default value is "#000000".
The text message that will be displayed when the user log into the qconsole/admin GUI for the first time. The default value is "Message of the Day".
The label text that will be displayed on the banner that goes across the top of the UI. The default value is null which means the banner will not be displayed.
The CSS style to use as an inline style for the banner that goes across the top of the UI. The default value is null which uses the default banner style.

Required Privileges


(:This set the UI banner for the qconsole and admin GUI:)
xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace admin = "" at "/MarkLogic/admin.xqy";

let $banner-options := map:map()
  => map:with("active", fn:true())
  => map:with("label", "Welcome to the PRODUCTION STAGING cluster")
  => map:with("headerColor", "#33CC99")
  => map:with("headerTextColor", "#000000")
  => map:with("message", "This cluster will be unavailable on odd Tuesdays of even months.")
  => map:with("topBannerLabel", "This goes at the top")
  => map:with("topBannerStyle", "background-color:#33CC99;color:#000000;font-family:arial;font-size:16px;font-style:bold;text-align:center;")
return admin:ui-set-banner($banner-options)
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