MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation
Database Field Configuration Help

A Field specifies a named object that has its own index term lists and can be searched with the query constructor cts:field-word-query. Use this configuration to specify if the field is built using paths or from the root of a document. In most cases, paths are the preferred way to build a field. You can specify multiple paths for a field, and each path can have a weight to boost or lower relevance scores for searches with matches in that path. To add or remove index options to the field, you can check or uncheck index options you want to add or remove. You can create field range indexes, define word lexicons, and specify overrides for how to tokenize content using the Database Fields Configuration page. You can also specify XML elements or JSON properties to include or exclude from the field, specify query weights that apply to specific XML elements or JSON properties for relevance calculations, and constrain which XML elements are included or excluded by a specified attribute value.

The bold type on any index setting name indicates that the index setting is inherited from the database configuration.

The following are the configuration options:

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