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MarkLogic Server on Kubernetes

Assign pod priority

Pod priority can be used to indicate the significance of a pod compared to other pods. Assigning priority to pods is important to ensure that high-priority pods are not preempted and can use required resources. For example, if a pod cannot be scheduled, the scheduler will attempt to free up resources by evicting lower-priority pods. When enough resources are available, the higher-priority pods can be scheduled.


To ensure the availability of the database, it is highly recommended that a PriorityClass object with the highest possible value is set for MarkLogic pods. For more details on pod priority and PriorityClass, see Pod Priority and Preemption.

To assign priority for pods, follow these steps:

  1. Add a PriorityClass. This example shows a PriorityClass with a value of 1 million:

    kind: PriorityClass
      name: high-priority
    value: 1000000
    globalDefault: false
    description: "This high priority class should be used for MarkLogic pods only."
  2. Set priorityClassName to one of the added PriorityClassNames through the values.yaml file or by using --set flag while installing the chart.