xp:dereference( $context as node(), $xpointer as xs:string ) as node()*
This function resolves an XPointer in the context of a particular node.
Parameters | |
context | The node against which the XPointer evaluates. |
xpointer | An XPointer. |
xquery version "1.0-ml" import module namespace xp = "http://marklogic.com/xinclude/xpointer" at "/MarkLogic/xinclude/xpointer.xqy"; let $node := <root xmlns="http://marklogic.com/myns"> <this> This is text before the referenced element. <that>The referenced element.</that> This is text after the referenced element. </this> </root> return xp:dereference($node, "xmlns(ns=http://marklogic.com/myns) xpath(//ns:this/ns:that)") ===> <that xmlns="http://marklogic.com/myns">The referenced element.</that>