xdmp:document-locks( [$uri as xs:string*] ) as document-node()*
Returns the locks for one or more documents or directories. Returns the locks for all documents and directories in the database if no parameter is given.
Parameters | |
uri | A document URI. |
Note that the locks described here are relatively heavy persistent document locks for file system emulation through WebDAV, not relatively light transaction locks for database consistency.
xdmp:document-locks("example.xml") => <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?> <lock:lock xmlns:lock="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/lock"> <lock:lock-type>write</lock:lock-type> <lock:lock-scope>exclusive</lock:lock-scope> <lock:active-locks> <lock:active-lock> <lock:depth>0</lock:depth> <lock:owner> <DAV:href xmlns:DAV="DAV:">http://example.com/~user</DAV:href> </lock:owner> <lock:timeout>120</lock:timeout> <lock:lock-token>http://marklogic.com/xdmp/locks/1c267a036b8480c3 </lock:lock-token> <lock:timestamp>1290136652</lock:timestamp> <sec:user-id xmlns:sec="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/security"> 893641342095093063</sec:user-id> </lock:active-lock> </lock:active-locks> </lock:lock>
xquery version "1.0-ml"; (: The time is in epoch time, which is seconds from the start of 1970, so this code does a little math on the values in the lock document to figure out how many seconds are left for the lock. Assumes a lock on /example.xml, for example by running the following: xquery version "1.0-ml"; declare namespace DAV="DAV:"; xdmp:lock-acquire("/example.xml", "exclusive", "0", <DAV:href>http://example.com/~user</DAV:href>, xs:unsignedLong(120)) :) let $lock := xdmp:document-locks("/example.xml") let $lock-duration := $lock/lock:lock/lock:active-locks/lock:active-lock/ lock:timeout/fn:data(.) let $current-epoch-time := fn:round( ( fn:current-dateTime() - xs:dateTime("1970-01-01T00:00:00-00:00") ) div xs:dayTimeDuration('PT1S') ) let $start-time := $lock/lock:lock/lock:active-locks/lock:active-lock/ lock:timestamp/fn:data(.) let $end-time := $start-time + $lock-duration let $seconds-left := $end-time - $current-epoch-time return ($current-epoch-time, $start-time, $seconds-left) => 1290136837 1290136832 115