MarkLogic 10 Product Documentation

   $ticket-id as xs:string,
   [$start as xs:unsignedInt?],
   [$page-length as xs:unsignedInt?],
   [$sort-ascending as xs:boolean?],
   [$filter as schema-element(cts:query)?]
) as element(info:errors)


[DEPRECATED] This function returns any errors that may have occurred when loading content. The load operation must be complete before any errors appear in the ticket. You can use the optional parameters, start and page-length, to paginate through a long list of errors.

By default, errors are sorted by descending time. You can set the sort-ascending parameter to true to return errors in ascending time, which can be useful when paginating on an open ticket where new errors are coming in constantly.

The filter parameter allows you to annotate errors with metadata. You can create a filter to limit results by anything in the ticket, such as time, some custom annotation, or error code.

ticket-id The id of the ticket.
start Which error in a list from which to begin the returned list. For example, if dealing with hundreds of errors, you might want to display them in increments of 50. So you would call this function with start set to 1, then 50, then 100, and so on.
page-length The number of errors returned in each page. In the example described for the start parameter, this would be set to 50.
sort-ascending By default, errors are sorted by descending time. Set to true to return errors in ascending time.
filter Any customer query written to filter the list of errors.


  xquery version "1.0-ml"; 

  import module namespace info = ""  
      at "/MarkLogic/appservices/infostudio/info.xqy";


  (: Returns any errors associated with the specified ticket. :)      
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