geo:complex-polygon( $complex-polygon as node() ) as cts:complex-polygon
Create a cts:complex-polygon value from a node representing a complex polygon in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as KML, GML, or GeoJSON. The complex polygon represents the combination of the exterior polygon and interior polygons in their representation.
Parameters | |
complex-polygon | A node representing a complex polygon. |
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace geo = "" at "/MarkLogic/geospatial/geospatial.xqy"; declare namespace kml= ""; geo:complex-polygon( <kml:Polygon> <kml:outerBoundaryIs><kml:LinearRing><kml:coordinates> -127.24,12.5 -127.8,15.25 -126.1,13.45 -127.24,12.5 </kml:coordinates></kml:LinearRing></kml:outerBoundaryIs> <kml:innerBoundaryIs><kml:LinearRing><kml:coordinates> -127,13 127,-14 126,-14 127,-13 </kml:coordinates></kml:LinearRing></kml:innerBoundaryIs> </kml:Polygon>)