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MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation

xdmp:log() as empty-sequence()


Flush the log of the specific app server error log file.



   $msg as item()*,
   [$level as xs:string?]
) as empty-sequence()


Logs a message into a specific app server error log file. System and Application logs are split and logged separately. If the function is executed on an app server at port 8888, the message will appear in <install_dir>/Logs/8888_ErrorLog.txt and not in <install_dir>/Logs/ErrorLog.txt. The <install_dir> is the location of the MarkLogic install directory. The port number is the port number of the current App Server or "TaskServer" if the current request is running on the Task Server. The log message is sent as soon as this function is called, even if the program from which it is called has not completed.

$msg Message for logging.
level One of: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, config, debug, fine, finer, or finest. The default level is "info".


=> () and logs an info-level message with the text "AAAA"

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