xdmp:json-validate( $node as node(), $schema as xs:string, $options as xs:string* ) as node()
Validate a JSON node against a JSON Schema. If the node is not valid per the schema, raise an error. Otherwise, return the input node.
(: Assuming the following JSON schema is in the schema database at "/schemas/example.json" : { "language": "zxx", "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "properties": { "count": { "type":"integer", "minimum":0 }, "items": { "type":"array", "items": {"type":"string", "minLength":1 } } } } :) xdmp:json-validate( object-node{ "count": 3, "items": array-node{12} }, "/schemas/example.json" ) => XDMP-JSVALIDATEINVTYPE: Invalid node type: Expected node of type text, found number at number-node{12} using schema "/schemas/example.json" at 1:0 [1.0-ml]
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