tde.nodeDataExtract( documents as Node[], [templates as node[]] ) as Object
Extracts row or triple data from a list of specified documents by applying extraction templates that are either stored in the schema database or provided as a second argument.
var doc1 = xdmp.unquote(` <Citation> <ID>69152893</ID> <Article> <Journal> <ISSN>0123-4567</ISSN> <Details> <Volume>118-119</Volume> <PubDate> <Year>1968</Year> <Month>Dec</Month> <Day>7</Day> </PubDate> </Details> </Journal> <Authors> <Author> <LastName>Doe</LastName> <ForeName>John</ForeName> </Author> <Author> <LastName>Smith</LastName> <ForeName>Jane</ForeName> </Author> </Authors> </Article> </Citation> `); var rowtde1 = xdmp.toJSON( { "template":{ "context":"/Citation/Article/Journal/Details", "rows":[ { "schemaName":"Medical", "viewName":"Publications", "columns":[ { "name":"ID", "scalarType":"long", "val":"../../../ID" }, { "name":"ISSN", "scalarType":"string", "val":"../ISSN" }, { "name":"Volume", "scalarType":"string", "val":"Volume" }, { "name":"Date", "scalarType":"string", "val":"PubDate/Year||'-'||PubDate/Month||'-'||PubDate/Day" } ] } ] } } ); var tripletde1 = xdmp.toJSON( { "template":{ "context":"//Authors/Author", "vars":[ { "name":"prefix1", "val":"\"\"" } ], "triples":[ { "subject":{ "val":"sem:iri($prefix1||'person/'||./ForeName||'_'||./LastName)", "invalidValues":"reject" }, "predicate":{ "val":"sem:iri($prefix1||'authored')", "invalidValues":"reject" }, "object":{ "val":"xs:string(../../Journal/ISSN)", "invalidValues":"reject" } } ] } } ); tde.nodeDataExtract([doc1],[rowtde1, tripletde1]); => { "document1":[ { "row":{ "schema":"Medical", "view":"Publications", "data":{ "rownum":"1", "ID":69152893, "ISSN":"0123-4567", "Volume":"118-119", "Date":"1968-Dec-7" } } }, { "triple":{ "subject":"", "predicate":"", "object":{ "datatype":"", "value":"0123-4567" } } }, { "triple":{ "subject":"", "predicate":"", "object":{ "datatype":"", "value":"0123-4567" } } } ] }
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