sem.prefixes( prefixdef as String?, [include-common as Boolean?] ) as Object
This function returns a set of prefix mappings for use with CURIE processing. Calling this function returns the internal set of default prefixes. The default mappings include prefixes that are widely used and agreed upon, including "cc" (Creative Commons), "dc" (Dublin Core), "dcterms" (Dublin Core Terms), "dbpedia" (dbpedia resources), "dbpedia-owl" (dbpedia ontology), "geonames" (geonames ontology), "foaf" (FOAF), "media" (MediaRSS), "owl" (OWL), " rdf" (RDF), "product" (productV2), "rdfs" (RDF Schema), "skos" (SKOS), "vcard" (VCard vocab), "void" (Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets), "wikidata" (wikidata entities), "xhtml" (XHTML), and "xs" (XML Schema).
const sem = require("/MarkLogic/semantics.xqy"); const prefixes = sem.prefixes("ex: \n\ schema:"); sem.curieExpand("ex:prefLabel", prefixes) (: returns an IRI :) =>