pki:insert-host-certificate( $template-id as xs:unsignedLong, $certs as xs:string, $pkey as xs:string ) as empty-sequence()
This function inserts externally generated certificate into the database. This certificate can be used for certificate template specified by template-id. The common name of the certificate can be started with a wildcard "*" so that the certificate can be used for multiple hosts.
(: execute this against the security database :) xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace pki = "" at "/MarkLogic/pki.xqy"; pki:insert-host-certificate( 17534423939834379460, xdmp:document-get( "/server.crt", <options xmlns="xdmp:document-get"><format>text</format></options>), xdmp:document-get( "/server.key", <options xmlns="xdmp:document-get"><format>text</format></options>) )
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