p:create( $name as xs:string, $description as xs:string, $success-action as element(p:action)?, $failure-action as element(p:action)?, $status-transitions as element(p:status-transition)*, $state-transitions as element(p:state-transition)* ) as xs:unsignedLong
Create a new content processing pipeline.
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace p = "http://marklogic.com/cpf/pipelines" at "/MarkLogic/cpf/pipelines.xqy"; let $init-state := xs:anyURI("http://example.com/states/init") let $error-state := xs:anyURI("http://example.com/states/error") return p:create( "Empty", "No nothing much", (), (), ( p:status-transition("created", "", $init-state, $error-state, (), (), () ), p:status-transition("deleted", "", (), $error-state, (), (), () ), p:status-transition("updated", "", (), $error-state, (), (), () ) ), () )
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