op:unnest-inner( $plan as map:map, $inputColumn as item(), $valueColumn as item(), [$ordinalColumn as item()?] ) as map:map
This function flattens an array value into multiple rows.Then performs a op:join-inner on the rest of the rows.
Parameters | |
$plan | The Optic Plan. You can either use the XQuery => chaining operator or specify the variable that captures the return value from the previous operation. |
$inputColumn | The input column, which contains an array, to flatten into rows. This can be a string of the column name or an op:col. Use op:view-col or op:schema-col if you need to identify columns in the two views that have the same column name. |
$valueColumn | The output column which contains the flattened array values. This can be a string of the column name or an op:col. Use op:view-col or op:schema-col as needed. |
$ordinalColumn | The ordinalColumn is optional. If specified, an additional column will be added to the rows of flattened array values, starting from 1. This can be a string of the column name or an op:col. Use op:view-col or op:schema-col as needed. |
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace op="http://marklogic.com/optic" at "/MarkLogic/optic.xqy"; import module namespace ofn="http://marklogic.com/optic/expression/fn" at "/MarkLogic/optic/optic-fn.xqy"; op:from-view("unnestSchema", "unnestView") => op:bind(( op:as("teamMemberSequence", ofn:tokenize(op:col("teamMembers"), ",")) )) => op:unnest-inner('teamMemberSequence','teamMember', 'ordinality') => op:order-by(('department', 'ordinality')) => op:result() (: This returns [{"unnestSchema.unnestView.department":"Engineering","teamMemberSequence":["Bob","Alice"],"unnestSchema.unnestView.teamMembers":"Bob,Alice","teamMember":"Bob","ordinality":1}, {"unnestSchema.unnestView.department":"Engineering","teamMemberSequence":["Bob","Alice"],"unnestSchema.unnestView.teamMembers":"Bob,Alice","teamMember":"Alice","ordinality":2}, {"unnestSchema.unnestView.department":"Sales","teamMemberSequence":["Robert","Cindy"],"unnestSchema.unnestView.teamMembers":"Robert,Cindy","teamMember":"Robert","ordinality":1}, {"unnestSchema.unnestView.department":"Sales","teamMemberSequence":["Robert","Cindy"],"unnestSchema.unnestView.teamMembers":"Robert,Cindy","teamMember":"Cindy","ordinality":2}] :) (: Use below JavaScript queries to insert template and data // Insert a template declareUpdate(); const tde = require("/MarkLogic/tde.xqy"); const template = xdmp.toJSON( { "template":{ "context":"office", "rows":[ { "schemaName":"unnestSchema", "viewName":"unnestView", "columns":[ { "name":"department", "scalarType":"string", "val":"department", "nullable":true, "invalidValues":"ignore" }, { "name":"teamMembers", "scalarType":"string", "val":"teamMembers", "nullable":true, "invalidValues":"ignore" } ] } ] } } ); tde.templateInsert('/optic/unnest/unnestTemplate.json', template) //insert a document declareUpdate(); let doc = {office:[ {department:"Engineering", teamMembers: 'Bob,Alice'}, {department:"Sales", teamMembers:'Robert,Cindy'}, {department:"Marketing", teamMembers:""}, {department:"CEO-Office", teamMembers:null} ]}; xdmp.documentInsert('/optic/unnest/doc1.json', doc) :)
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