op:join-doc-cols( $cols as map:map, $sourceCol as item() ) as map:map
This function populates the view with the uri, doc, collections, metadata, permissions, and / or quality document descriptor columns for database document values.
Parameters | |
$cols | Supplies a document column identifier map to specify which document columns to join and their names. The names cannot conflict with existing column names. To use the default column names, use op:doc-cols or an empty sequence. |
$sourceCol | The source column to join. This is either an op:fragment-id-col specifying a fragment id column or a op:col, op:view-col or op:schema-col that contains document uris. Joining on a fragment id is more efficient than joining on an uri column. |
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace op="http://marklogic.com/optic" at "/MarkLogic/optic.xqy"; let $docColIdentifier := map:map()=>map:with("uri", "newUri") =>map:with("doc", "doc") =>map:with("collections", "collections") =>map:with("metadata", "metadata") =>map:with("permissions", "permissions") =>map:with("quality", "quality") =>map:with("temporalCollection", "temporalCollection") return op:from-doc-uris(cts:word-query('duck', ('case-sensitive'))) =>op:join-doc-cols($docColIdentifier, op:fragment-id-col("fragmentId")) =>op:order-by("newUri") =>op:result()
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace op="http://marklogic.com/optic" at "/MarkLogic/optic.xqy"; let $docColIdentifier := map:map()=>map:with("doc", "doc") return op:from-doc-uris(cts:word-query('duck', ('case-sensitive'))) =>op:join-doc-cols($docColIdentifier, op:col("uri")) =>op:order-by("uri") =>op:result()
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace op="http://marklogic.com/optic" at "/MarkLogic/optic.xqy"; op:from-doc-uris(cts:word-query('duck', ('case-sensitive')), "A") =>op:join-doc-cols(op:doc-cols("A", ("uri", "doc", "collections")), op:view-col("A", "uri")) =>op:order-by(op:view-col("A", "uri")) =>op:result()
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace op="http://marklogic.com/optic" at "/MarkLogic/optic.xqy"; op:from-doc-uris(cts:word-query('duck', ('case-sensitive'))) =>op:join-doc-cols((), op:fragment-id-col("fragmentId")) =>op:order-by("uri") =>op:result()
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