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MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation

   $schemaName as xs:string,
   $viewName as xs:string,
   [$columnDeclarations as map:map*]
) as element()


This method generates a view that encapsulates a query. Insert the generated XML into the schemas database and then use the op.fromView op:from-view accessor to use the generated view.

$schemaName The schema name that can be passed to op:from-view() when accessing the generated view.
$viewName The view name that must be passed to op:from-view() when accessing the generated view.
$columnDeclarations Optional type and nullability declarations for some or all of the columns of the view.
  • name

    The name of the column in the QBV (required)

  • type

    The type to define the column as. Any TDE column type is valid for this field. (required)

  • nullable

    True or false. If you expect null results in this column, set this field to true. (optional - default is true)

  • collation

    This is specifically for string types. Provide the collation you expect the result to be (optional - default is no collation)

  • coordinate-system

    The coordinate system of the geometry column in the QBV. Must be one of wgs84, wgs84/radians, wgs84/double, wgs84/radians/double, etrs89, etrs89/double, raw, raw/double. (optional - default is the source column’s coordinate system. If this is not provided, the app server level coordinate system setting is used)

  • invalidValues

    Provide 'skip' or 'reject' to this field. If 'skip' is provided, the engine skips rows that contain values whose type, nullability, collation or coordinate-system don't match your specification. If 'reject' is provided, an error is thrown if a value that does not match the column criteria is found (optional - default is skip)


xquery version "1.0-ml";

import module namespace op="http://marklogic.com/optic"
     at "/MarkLogic/optic.xqy";

op:from-view("main", "employees")
   => op:where(cts:collection-query("/division/manufacturing"))
   => op:select(("EmployeeID", "FirstName", "LastName"))
   => op:order-by("EmployeeID")
   => op:generate-view("main", "manufacturingEmployees")


xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace op="http://marklogic.com/optic"
     at "/MarkLogic/optic.xqy";
let $plan1 := op:from-literals((
            map:entry("rowId", 1) => map:with("colorIdShape", 1) => map:with("desc", "ball"),
            map:entry("rowId", 2) => map:with("colorIdShape", 2) => map:with("desc", "square"),
            map:entry("rowId", 3) => map:with("colorIdShape", 1) => map:with("desc", "box"),
            map:entry("rowId", 4) => map:with("colorIdShape", 1) => map:with("desc", "oval"),
            map:entry("rowId", 5) => map:with("colorIdShape", 5) => map:with("desc", "circle")
let $plan2 := op:from-literals((
            map:entry("colorId", 1) => map:with("colorDesc", "red"),
            map:entry("colorId", 2) => map:with("colorDesc", "blue"),
            map:entry("colorId", 3) => map:with("colorDesc", "black"),
            map:entry("colorId", 4) => map:with("colorDesc", "yellow")
let $output := $plan1
    => op:join-inner($plan2, op:on(op:col("colorIdShape"), op:col("colorId")))
    => op:select(("rowId", op:as("description", op:col("desc")), "colorId", "colorDesc"))
    => op:order-by("rowId")
return $output => op:generate-view('ThreeParams', 'ThreeColsSelected',(
      map:entry("name", "rowId") => map:with("type", "integer") => map:with("nullable", fn:true()) => map:with("invalidValues", 'reject'),
      map:entry("name", "description") => map:with("type", "string") => map:with("invalidValues", 'reject'),
      map:entry("name", "colorId") => map:with("type", "integer") => map:with("nullable", fn:false()) => map:with("invalidValues", 'skip')

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