op.namedGroup( name as String, [columns as columnIdentifier[]] ) as groupdef
This function specifies the grouping keys for a group as a named list of zero or more columns. The result is used for building the first parameter for the prototype.groupToArrays function.
Parameters | |
name | The name for the list of grouping keys. |
columns | The columns (if any) to use as grouping keys. The columns can be named with a string or a column parameter function such as op.col or constructed from an expression with op.as. |
const op = require('/MarkLogic/optic'); op.fromView('main', 'expenses') .groupToArrays( [op.namedGroup('total'), op.namedGroup('byCategoryLocation', ['Category', 'Location'])], op.sum("TotalAmount", "Amount")) .result();
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