MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation

   $ticket-id as xs:string,
   $annotation as element(info:annotation),
   [$documents-processed as xs:nonNegativeInteger?],
   [$transactions-completed as xs:nonNegativeInteger?],
   [$error-log-level as xs:string?]
) as empty-sequence()


[DEPRECATED] This function writes log information into a ticket's progress file that is written to the App-Services database.

ticket-id The id of the ticket.
annotation The string to place in the annotation element.
documents-processed The value to place in the documents-processed element.
transactions-completed The value to place in the transactions-completed element.
error-log-level The error log level. The possible levels are emergency, alert, critcal, error, warning, notice, info, config, debug, fine, finer, or finest. The default level is info.


  xquery version "1.0-ml"; 

  import module namespace info = ""  
      at "/MarkLogic/appservices/infostudio/info.xqy"; 
  import module namespace infodev = ""
      at "/MarkLogic/appservices/infostudio/infodev.xqy";

  let $annotation := <info:annotation>Load took longer than 10 minutes</info:annotation>

  for $ticket in info:tickets()
    let $time := fn:data(info:ticket($ticket)//info:time-consumed)
      if (fn:minutes-from-duration(xs:duration($time)) gt 10)
      then infodev:log-progress($ticket, $annotation)
      else ()

  (: Change progress annotation on any ticket with a time-consumed value 
     over 10 minutes. :)
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