info:unload( $ticket-id as xs:string, [$database as xs:string*], [$batch-size as xs:positiveInteger?] ) as empty-sequence()
This function deletes all of the documents associated with the specified
from one or more databases. The documents are
deleted from the database associated with the ticket, as
well as any additional databases specified by the $database
parameter. The ticket status is "unloading" while the delete is in
progress and "unloaded" when complete. A ticket may not be unloaded if
its status is "active".
If errors are encountered during the unloading process, an exception is
thrown and the ticket status is set to "unload-aborted".
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace info = "" at "/MarkLogic/appservices/infostudio/info.xqy"; info:unload("/tickets/ticket/4920103524656746726") (: Deletes all of the documents associated with the ticket from the database specified in the ticket. :)