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Administrating MarkLogic Server

Shutting Down or Restarting a Host

To shut down or to restart a host, follow these steps:

  1. Click Security in the left tree menu. A list of security items appears.

  2. Click Users.

  3. Click the Status tab at the top right.

  4. Click the Shutdown or the Restart button as appropriate.

  5. Click OK to confirm to confirm the shutdown or restart operation.

  6. If you have forest failover enabled for any of the host forests, you will see a Immediately fail over forests to replica hosts option. Check the box to fail over the forests to replica hosts.


The restart operation normally completes within a few seconds. It is possible, however, for it to take longer under some conditions (for example, if the Security database needs to run recovery or if the connectivity between hosts in a cluster is slow). If it takes longer than a few seconds for MarkLogic Server to restart, than the Admin Interface might return a 503: Service Unavailable message. If you encounter this situation, wait several seconds and then reload the Admin Interface.