geo:covers( $region-1 as cts:region, $region-2 as cts:region, [$options as xs:string*] ) as xs:boolean
Compares geospatial regions to see if they fulfill the 'covers' DE-9IM relation.
This function determines whether the two regions
and R2=$region-2
satisfy the relationship R1 covers R2.
The operations are defined by the Dimensionally Extended nine-Intersection Model (DE-9IM) of spatial relations.
The value of the precision
option takes precedence over
that implied by the governing coordinate system name, including the
value of the coordinate-system
option. For example, if the
governing coordinate system is "wgs84/double" and the precision
option is "float", then the operation uses single precision.
If $region-1
or $region-2
is a column, the column's
coordinate system will take precedence over the coordinate-system
If both $region-1
and $region-2
are columns, the query
will run unoptimized. Queries with one region column and a region literal will be
let $r1 := cts:polygon("POLYGON((-122.38582892471908 37.61827880006116,-122.4143247132933 37.60685626556358,-122.40436835343002 37.59352775797751,-122.38582892471908 37.61827880006116))") let $r2 := cts:polygon("POLYGON((-122.427520751953 37.6555576956251,-122.459106445313 37.5658069549294,-122.289505004883 37.5946477878735,-122.427520751953 37.6555576956251))") return geo:covers($r2,$r1,("coordinate-system=wgs84","precision=double")) (: returns true :)
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace op = '' at 'MarkLogic/optic.xqy'; import module namespace ogeo = '' at 'MarkLogic/optic/optic-geo.xqy'; (: Optic example using the Value Processing Function ogeo:covers() :) let $polygonLit := 'POLYGON((-109.05489567149378 37.007687849517886,-109.05489567149378 31.321594772151634,-108.19796207774378 31.39664652828848,-108.26388004649378 31.827028203476246,-106.52804020274378 31.808357379968474,-106.55001285899378 32.08802274501026,-103.03438785899378 32.03215780670212,-103.01241520274378 37.025232193318125,-109.05489567149378 37.007687849517886))' let $plan:= op:from-view('buildings', 'builds') =>op:where(ogeo:covers(op:col('poly'),$polygonLit)) =>op:select(('name', op:col('geoid'))) =>op:order-by('geoid') return $plan=>op:result() (: ==> rows representing names and geoids where the 'poly' column COVERS polygonLit (a rough New Mexico representation) :)
xquery version "1.0-ml"; (: SQL example using the ST_Covers function :) let $map := map:new(map:entry('polyLit','POLYGON((-83.74086287706339 35.30705888366864,-82.57081893175089 35.30705888366864,-82.57081893175089 33.64983884507408,-83.74086287706339 33.64983884507408,-83.74086287706339 35.30705888366864))')) return xdmp:sql("select * from builds where ST_Covers(poly,@polyLit) order by geoid limit 20", (), $map) (: ==> returns rows whose 'poly' column match the DE-9IM relationship COVERS with the provided WKT polygon :)
xquery version "1.0-ml"; (: GeoSPARQL example using geof:sfCovers() :) let $map := map:new(map:entry('poly','POLYGON((-83.74086287706339 35.30705888366864,-82.57081893175089 35.30705888366864,-82.57081893175089 33.64983884507408,-83.74086287706339 33.64983884507408,-83.74086287706339 35.30705888366864))')) let $query:= ' PREFIX my: <> PREFIX geoml: <> PREFIX cts: <> PREFIX geof: <> SELECT * WHERE { ?s my:hasExactGeometry ?o FILTER geof:sfCovers(?o, ?poly, ''coordinate-system=wgs84/double'') } ORDER BY ?s' return sem:sparql($query,$map) (: ==> rows representing geometries in a triple's object in the wgs84 coordinate system (double precision) that fulfill the COVERS DE-9IM relation with the WKT polygon 'poly', ordered by subject :)