geo.countDistinctVertices( region as cts.region, [options as String[]] ) as Number
Return a count of the distinct number of vertices in a region, taking tolerance into account.
This function returns a count of the distinct number of vertices in a region. It takes into account tolerance. The vertex that closes the ring is only counted once. For a complex polygon this is a count of the vertices in the outer polygon. For points it returns 1, for circles it returns 0, and for boxes it returns the number of distinct points in the set (sw, se, nw, ne).
The value of the precision
option takes precedence over
that implied by the governing coordinate system name, including the
value of the coordinate-system
option. For example, if the
governing coordinate system is "wgs84/double" and the precision
option is "float", then the operation uses single precision.
geo.countDistinctVertices( cts.polygon([cts.point(1,2),cts.point(3,4),cts.point(3,4), cts.point(4,5), cts.point(1,2)]) ) // => 3
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