fn.formatNumber( value as Number, picture as String, [decimal-format-name as String] ) as String
Returns a formatted string representation of value argument based on the supplied picture. An optional decimal format name may also be supplied for interpretation of the picture string. This is an XSLT function, and it is available in XSLT, XQuery 1.0-ml, and Server-Side JavaScript.
Parameters | |
value |
The given numeric $value that needs to be formatted.
picture |
The desired string representation of the given number $value .
The picture string is a sequence of characters, in which the
characters represent variables such as, decimal-separator-sign,
grouping-sign, zero-digit-sign, digit-sign, pattern-separator,
percent sign and per-mille-sign. For details on the format-number
picture string, see
decimal-format-name |
Represents a named <xsl:decimal-format> instruction.
It is used to assign values to the variables mentioned above
based on the picture string.
fn.formatNumber(xs.integer("1000000"),"#,##0.00"); => 1,000,000.00
var stylesheet = fn.head(xdmp.unquote( '<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"\n\ xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"\n\ xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">\n\ <xsl:decimal-format name="testformat" decimal-separator="."/>\n\ <xsl:template match="foo">\n\ <xsl:sequence select="format-number(xs:float(' + "'1234.5'), '#,##0.00', 'testformat')" + '"/>\n\ </xsl:template>\n\ </xsl:stylesheet>')); xdmp.xsltEval(stylesheet, fn.head(xdmp.unquote('<foo/>'))); => 1,234.50
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