flexrep:inbound-filter-insert( $filter as element(flexrep:inbound-filter) ) as empty-sequence()
This function inserts an inbound filter configuration into the database. A single inbound filter applies to all inbound flexible replication to the database. The filter receives two external variables as input, and should return the filtered form of the replication information. An example is shown below.
Parameters | |
filter | An inbound filter configuration. |
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace flexrep = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/flexible-replication" at "/MarkLogic/flexrep.xqy"; flexrep:inbound-filter-insert( flexrep:inbound-filter-create( "/my-inbound-filter.xqy", <flexrep:filter-options xmlns="xdmp:eval"> <modules>{xdmp:database("my-modules-database")}</modules> <root>/some/directory/</root> </flexrep:filter-options>))
The following example shows an identity filter, that also inserts a log document into the database to track the inbound replication information.
xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace flexrep = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/flexible-replication" at "/MarkLogic/flexrep.xqy"; declare namespace doc = "xdmp:document-load"; declare variable $dts as element(flexrep:domain-target-status) external; declare variable $update as node()* external; xdmp:document-insert( "/inbound-log/" || xdmp:random() || ".xml", <inbound-log time="{fn:current-dateTime()}"> { for $u in $update let $exists := attribute exists { fn:exists( ( fn:doc($u/doc:uri), xdmp:document-properties($u/doc:uri) )) } return typeswitch ($u) case element(flexrep:update) return element flexrep:update { $exists, $u/@*, $u/* } case element (flexrep:delete) return element flexrep:delete { $exists, $u/@*, $u/* } default return () } </inbound-log>, ("read", "update") ! xdmp:permission("flexrep-user", .)), $update
The $dts variable can be used to determine where the inbound replication is coming from. Below is an example. The received-from element is either the IP address that a push is coming from, or the URL that was used if the replication was the result of a pull.
<document-target-status xmlns="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/flexible-replication"> <domain-id>82381923712932</domain-id> <domain-name>Default Documents</domain-name> <target-id>637261830239283</target-id> <target-name>San Francisco</target-name> <received-from></received-from> <received-at>2014-11-20T16:14:57.876111-08:00</received-at> </document-target-status>