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MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation

   cfg as element(flexrep.configuration),
   target-id as (Number|String),
   val as Boolean
) as element(flexrep.configuration)


This function enables and disables CPF replication.

cfg The replication configuration.
target-id The ID of the replication target.
val A value of true enables CPF replication on the target and a value of false disables CPF replication on the target.


const flexrep = require('/MarkLogic/flexrep');

  // Obtain the domain ID from the database used by the Master to enable CPF. ??
  const domain = xdmp.eval(
    'const dom = require("/MarkLogic/cpf/domains");' +
      'fn.data(dom.get("Default Master").xpath("//dom:domain-id"));',
          'database' : xdmp.database('Triggers')

  const cfg = flexrep.configurationGet(domain, true);
  const targetId = flexrep.configurationTargetGetId(cfg, 'Replica');

  flexrep.configurationTargetSetReplicateCpf(cfg, targetId, true); 

  // Returns the current replication configuration.

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