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MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation

   $temporal-collection as xs:string,
   [$timestamp as xs:dateTime?],
   [$options as xs:string*],
   [$weight as xs:double?]
) as cts:lsqt-query


Returns only documents before LSQT or a timestamp before LSQT for stable query results.

temporal-collection The name of the temporal collection.
timestamp Return only temporal documents with a system start time less than or equal to this value. Default is temporal:get-lsqt($temporal-collection). Timestamps larger than LSQT are rejected.
options Options to this query. The default is ().

Options include:

Cache the results of this query in the list cache.
Do not cache the results of this query in the list cache.
Break down the query into sub-queries and then cache each one of them for better performance. This is enabled, by default.
Use the selected scoring function. The score function may be:
Use a linear function of the difference between the specified query value and the matching value in the index to calculate a score for this range query.
Use a reciprocal function of the difference between the specified query value and the matching value in the index to calculate a score for this range query.
This range query does not contribute to the score. This is the default.
Apply the given number as a scaling factor to the slope of the scoring function. The default is 1.0.
weight A weight for this query. Higher weights move search results up in the relevance order. The default is 1.0. The weight should be between 64 and -16. Weights greater than 64 will have the same effect as a weight of 64. Weights less than the absolute value of 0.0625 (between -0.0625 and 0.0625) are rounded to 0, which means that they do not contribute to the score.


  cts:lsqt-query("temporal",(),"cached-incremental", xs:double("3.13"))

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