MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation
admin functions (forest)

For the complete list of functions and categories in this namespace, refer to the main admin functions page.

57 functions
Function name Description
admin:forest-add-backup This function adds scheduled backup specifications for a forest to a configuration.
admin:forest-add-failover-host This function adds a failover host to the list of failover hosts for the specified forest in the specified configuration.
admin:forest-add-foreign-replicas This function adds the replica forest that is associated with the specified master forest to the database replication configuration.
admin:forest-add-replica This function adds a forest replica to a master forest.
admin:forest-backup-get-enabled This function returns true or false to indicate whether backup is enabled for the specified forest.
admin:forest-backup-set-enabled This function enables forest backup for the specified forest.
admin:forest-copy This function creates a new forest specification with the same settings as the forest with the specified ID.
admin:forest-create This function creates a new forest configuration.
admin:forest-daily-backup This function constructs a daily scheduled forest backup.
admin:forest-delete This function deletes the configuration for the specified forest from the configuration.
admin:forest-delete-backup This function deletes scheduled backup specifications for a forest from a configuration.
admin:forest-delete-backup-by-id This function deletes the forest backup specified by the forest ID.
admin:forest-delete-failover-host This function deletes the specified failover host(s) from the failover-host list in the specified configuration.
admin:forest-delete-foreign-master This function deletes the master forest associated with the specified replica forest from the database replication configuration.
admin:forest-delete-foreign-replicas This function deletes the foreign replica of the specified forest on the master host.
admin:forest-exists This function determines whether or not the specified forest exists.
admin:forest-foreign-master-get-database-id This function returns the id for the database from the foreign master forest configuration element.
admin:forest-foreign-master-get-forest-id This function returns the id for the forest from the foreign master forest configuration element.
admin:forest-get-availability This function gets the availability state of the forest, for use in Tiered Storage.
admin:forest-get-backups This function returns the scheduled backups for the specified forest from the configuration.
admin:forest-get-data-directory This function returns the name of the data directory of the specified forest.
admin:forest-get-database This function returns the ID of the database that uses the specified forest.
admin:forest-get-enabled This function returns the enabled state of the specified forest.
admin:forest-get-failover-enable This function returns the state of whether failover is enabled for the specified forest.
admin:forest-get-failover-hosts This function returns the IDs of the hosts defined as failover hosts for this forest.
admin:forest-get-fast-data-directory This function returns the directory path set in the fast data directory field for the specified forest.
admin:forest-get-fast-data-max-size This function returns maximum allowable size (in megabytes) of the data to be kept by the specified forest in its fast-data-directory, or 0 for no limit.
admin:forest-get-foreign-master This function returns the replication configuration for the master forest associated with the specified replica forest.
admin:forest-get-foreign-replicas This function returns the foreign replicas configuration element.
admin:forest-get-host This function returns the ID of the host in which the specified forest resides.
admin:forest-get-id This function returns the ID of the forest with the specified name, from the specified configuration.
admin:forest-get-large-data-directory This function returns the name of the large data directory of the specified forest.
admin:forest-get-name This function returns the name of the specified forest, given the forest ID.
admin:forest-get-range-policy-lower-bound This function returns the lower bound of the range configured on the forest.
admin:forest-get-range-policy-upper-bound This function returns the upper bound of the range configured on the forest.
admin:forest-get-rebalancer-enable This function returns the rebalancer enable setting for the specified forest from the configuration.
admin:forest-get-replicas This function returns the IDs of the forest replicas for the specified forest.
admin:forest-get-updates-allowed This function returns the state of what kinds of updates are allowed for the specified forest.
admin:forest-hourly-backup This function constructs a hourly scheduled forest backup specification.
admin:forest-is-range-policy-range-set This function returns fn:false() if the specified forest has neither the lower boundary nor the upper boundary set.
admin:forest-minutely-backup This function constructs a scheduled forest backup on a number-of-minutes basis.
admin:forest-monthly-backup This function constructs a monthly scheduled backup.
admin:forest-one-time-backup This function constructs a one-time backup.
admin:forest-remove-replica This function removes a forest replica from a master forest.
admin:forest-rename This function renames a forest.
admin:forest-set-availability This function sets the availability state for a forest, for use in Tiered Storage.
admin:forest-set-enabled This function sets the enabled state for a forest configuration.
admin:forest-set-failover-enable This function sets the forest failover enabled state for a forest configuration.
admin:forest-set-fast-data-max-size This function sets the allowable size (in megabytes) for data to be kept by a forest in its fast data directory, or 0 for no limit.
admin:forest-set-foreign-master This function writes the specified foreign master forest configuration into the database replication configuration.
admin:forest-set-foreign-replicas This function writes the specified replica forest configuration into the database replication configuration.
admin:forest-set-host This function sets a forest configuration to a new host.
admin:forest-set-range-policy-range This function sets the boundaries of the range on a forest.
admin:forest-set-rebalancer-enable This function sets the rebalancer enable setting for the specified forest in the configuration.
admin:forest-set-updates-allowed This function sets the updates-allowed state for a forest configuration.
admin:forest-weekly-backup This function constructs a weekly scheduled backup.
admin:get-forest-ids This function returns all the forest IDs from the configuration.
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