MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation
admin functions (cluster)

For the complete list of functions and categories in this namespace, refer to the main admin functions page.

99 functions
Function name Description
admin:cluster-get-audit-log-encryption This function returns the encryption setting at cluster level for the audit log file.
admin:cluster-get-config-encryption This function returns the encryption setting at cluster level for configuration files.
admin:cluster-get-config-encryption-key-id This function returns the active encryption key ID used for encryption of configuration files.
admin:cluster-get-data-encryption This function returns the encryption setting at cluster level for user data.
admin:cluster-get-data-encryption-key-id This function returns the active encryption key ID used for encryption of data.
admin:cluster-get-effective-version This function returns the effective software version of this cluster.
admin:cluster-get-external-config-encryption-key-id This function returns the encryption key ID in the external KMS to use for encryption of configuration files.
admin:cluster-get-external-data-encryption-key-id This function returns the encryption key ID in the external KMS to use for encryption of data.
admin:cluster-get-external-logs-encryption-key-id This function returns the encryption key ID in the external KMS to use for encryption of log files.
admin:cluster-get-foreign-cluster-id This function returns the id of the specified foreign cluster.
admin:cluster-get-foreign-cluster-ids This function returns the ids of the foreign clusters.
admin:cluster-get-foreign-master-database This function is executed on a replica cluster to return the replication configuration for the specified local database from the specified foreign master cluster.
admin:cluster-get-foreign-replica-databases This function is executed on the master cluster to return the replication configuration for the specified local database to the specified foreign replica cluster.
admin:cluster-get-id This function returns the id of this cluster.
admin:cluster-get-internal-config-encryption-key-id This function returns the encryption key ID in the internal KMS to use for encryption of configuration files.
admin:cluster-get-internal-data-encryption-key-id This function returns the encryption key ID in the internal KMS to use for encryption of data.
admin:cluster-get-internal-logs-encryption-key-id This function returns the encryption key ID in the internal KMS to use for encryption of log files.
admin:cluster-get-keystore-backup-option This function is used to get the backup option for the embedded PKCS#11 wallet.
admin:cluster-get-keystore-host-name This function returns the first host name for the Keystore Management System.
admin:cluster-get-keystore-host-names This function returns all configured KMS host names.
admin:cluster-get-keystore-kmip-CA-path This function returns the path to the PEM encoded KMIP Certificate Authority (CA) used for authentication with the KMS
admin:cluster-get-keystore-kmip-certificate-path This function returns the path to PEM encoded KMIP certificate.
admin:cluster-get-keystore-kmip-key-path This function returns the path to the PEM encoded private key
admin:cluster-get-keystore-kms-type This function returns the encryption setting at cluster level for log files
admin:cluster-get-keystore-port This function returns the first port number to connect to the Keystore Management System.
admin:cluster-get-keystore-ports This function returns all the configured KMS ports.
admin:cluster-get-keystore-wallet-location This function returns the PKCS#11 wallet location if it has been set by cluster-set-keystore-wallet-location.
admin:cluster-get-language-baseline This function returns the language baseline of this cluster.
admin:cluster-get-logs-encryption This function returns the encryption setting at cluster level for log files.
admin:cluster-get-logs-encryption-key-id This function returns the active encryption key ID used for encryption of log files.
admin:cluster-get-name This function returns the name of this cluster.
admin:cluster-get-ssl-fips-enabled This function returns true when OpenSSL FIPS 140-2 mode is enabled in the cluster configuration.
admin:cluster-get-xdqp-bootstrap-hosts This function returns the ids of the bootstrap hosts configured for this cluster.
admin:cluster-get-xdqp-ssl-certificate This function returns the SSL certificate used to establish secure communication between this cluster and foreign clusters.
admin:cluster-get-xdqp-ssl-private-key This function returns the private key for secure communication between this cluster and foreign clusters.
admin:cluster-rotate-config-encryption-key-id This function rotates the encryption key ID to use for encryption of configuration files when MarkLogic is configured with internal KMS
admin:cluster-rotate-data-encryption-key-id This function rotates the encryption key ID to use for encryption of data when MarkLogic is configured with internal KMS
admin:cluster-rotate-logs-encryption-key-id This function rotates the encryption key ID to use for encryption of log files when MarkLogic is configured with internal KMS
admin:cluster-set-audit-log-encryption This function sets the encryption setting at cluster level for the audit log file.
admin:cluster-set-config-encryption This function sets the encryption setting at cluster level for configuration files.
admin:cluster-set-config-encryption-key-id This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of configuration files
admin:cluster-set-data-encryption This function sets the encryption setting at cluster level for user data.
admin:cluster-set-data-encryption-key-id This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of data.
admin:cluster-set-external-config-encryption-key-id This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of configuration files when the kms-type is external.
admin:cluster-set-external-data-encryption-key-id This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of data when the kms-type is external.
admin:cluster-set-external-logs-encryption-key-id This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of log files when kms-type is external.
admin:cluster-set-keystore-backup-option This function is used to set the backup option for the embedded PKCS#11 wallet.
admin:cluster-set-keystore-host-name This function sets the host name for the Keystore Management System.
admin:cluster-set-keystore-host-names This function sets the host name(s) for the Keystore Management System.
admin:cluster-set-keystore-kmip-CA-path This function updates the path to the PEM encoded Certificate Authority (CA) used for authentication with the KMS.
admin:cluster-set-keystore-kmip-certificate-path This function updates the path for the PEM encoded KMIP certificate for this host
admin:cluster-set-keystore-kmip-key-path This function updates the path to the PEM encoded private key.
admin:cluster-set-keystore-kms-type This function sets the type of Keystore Management System (KMS) to be used.
admin:cluster-set-keystore-logs-encryption-passphrase MarkLogic supports encrypting the logs with a secondary encryption passphrase, this function can be used to set the passphrase.
admin:cluster-set-keystore-passphrase This function resets the MarkLogic PKCS#11 wallet protection passphrase
admin:cluster-set-keystore-port This function sets the port number to connect to the Keystore Management System.
admin:cluster-set-keystore-ports This function sets the port number(s) to connect to the Keystore Management System.
admin:cluster-set-keystore-wallet-location This function is used to set the PKCS#11 wallet location.
admin:cluster-set-language-baseline This function sets the language baseline for this cluster.
admin:cluster-set-logs-encryption This function sets the encryption setting at cluster level for log files.
admin:cluster-set-logs-encryption-key-id This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of log files.
admin:cluster-set-name This function sets the name for this cluster.
admin:cluster-set-ssl-fips-enabled This function enables or disables OpenSSL FIPS 140-2 mode for the cluster.
admin:cluster-set-xdqp-bootstrap-hosts This function sets the bootstrap hosts for the domestic cluster.
admin:cluster-set-xdqp-ssl-certificate This function sets the SSL certificate used to establish secure communication between this cluster and foreign clusters.
admin:cluster-set-xdqp-ssl-private-key This function sets the SSL private key for secure communication between this cluster and foreign clusters.
admin:database-get-backup-encryption This function returns the backup encryption key used for encryption of backup for the database identified by the database-id.
admin:database-get-encryption-key-id This function returns the encryption key ID used for encryption of data for the database identified by the database-id.
admin:database-set-backup-encryption-key This function sets which key encryption key to use for encryption of backup for the database identified by database-id.
admin:database-set-encryption-key-id This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of data for the database identified by database-id.
admin:foreign-cluster-create This function creates a complete configuration for a foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-delete This function deletes the configuration for the specified foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-get-bootstrap-hosts This function returns one or more configuration elements that identify the bootstrap hosts on the specified foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-get-host-timeout This function returns the timeout period (in seconds) for communication between domestic hosts and hosts in the specified foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-get-name This function returns the name of the foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-get-ssl-certificate This function returns the SSL certificate used to communicate with hosts in the foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-get-xdqp-ssl-allow-sslv3 This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
admin:foreign-cluster-get-xdqp-ssl-allow-tls This function returns true if the TLS protocol is enabled for the foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-get-xdqp-ssl-ciphers This function returns the SSL ciphers set for the specified foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-get-xdqp-ssl-enabled This function returns true if SSL is enabled for the foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-get-xdqp-timeout This function returns the timeout setting (in seconds) for XDQP communication between data nodes and evaluator nodes in the domestic cluster and their counterparts in the foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-replace This function replaces a configuration for a foreign cluster with a new configuration.
admin:foreign-cluster-set-bootstrap-hosts This function identifies the foreign host to be used to bootstrap communication with the foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-set-host-timeout This function sets the timeout period (in seconds) for communication between domestic hosts and hosts in the specified foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-set-name This function sets the name of a foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-set-ssl-certificate This function sets the specified SSL certificate for secure communication with hosts in a foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-set-xdqp-ssl-allow-sslv3 This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
admin:foreign-cluster-set-xdqp-ssl-allow-tls This function enables or disables the TLS protocol for the specified foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-set-xdqp-ssl-ciphers This function sets SSL ciphers for the specified foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-set-xdqp-ssl-enabled This function enables or disables SSL for the foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-cluster-set-xdqp-timeout This function sets the timeout (in seconds) for XDQP communication between data nodes and evaluator nodes in the domestic cluster and their counterparts in the foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-host This function configures a foreign host to be set by the admin:foreign-cluster-set-bootstrap-hosts function as the bootstrap host for the foreign cluster.
admin:foreign-host-get-connect-port This function returns the number of the port configured for the foreign bootstrap host.
admin:foreign-host-get-id This function returns the id of the foreign bootstrap host.
admin:foreign-host-get-name This function returns the name of the foreign bootstrap host.
admin:host-get-foreign-port This function returns the port used by the specified host to listen for communications from foreign hosts.
admin:host-set-foreign-port This function configures the specified domestic host to listen for communications from foreign hosts over the specified port.
admin:ui-get-banner This function returns the UI banner setting.
admin:ui-set-banner This function sets the banner that will appear on the qconsole page and the admin GUI page.
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