A configuration specification, typically as returned
from one of the Admin module functions.
The name of the forest. The must be unique for all
forests in the cluster.
The ID of the host (for example, xdmp:host())
for the current host.
The optional data directory of the forest. If no directory
is specified, then it will be a private forest.
The optional directory where large objects are stored. If no directory
is specified, then large objects will be stored in
The optional directory for the fast data directory for this forest.
The fast data directory is typically located on a fast storage device,
such as an SSD.
Required Privileges
const admin = require('/MarkLogic/admin.xqy');
admin.forestCreate(admin.getConfiguration(), "newForest", xdmp.host(), null)
=> returns the new configuration element -- use admin.saveConfiguration
to save the changes to the configuration or pass the configuration
to other Admin API functions to make other changes.
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